If you find identity of birth parents of an adoptee can you build a tree for this line and adoptee?

+6 votes
When I started the tree I didn't know my Mother was adopted. Can I build

a tree for her biological line?
WikiTree profile: Dorothy Parker
in Genealogy Help by Jacqueline Crawford G2G Crew (600 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Hi Dorothy

I have an adopted child further back in the family tree.

In the top header under 'Add' you can start a new family tree.

Going back to the adopted person.  As he grew up with other 'step' siblings I have him linked directly to the adoptive parents but within the profile - done a link stating his biological mother and father - and from there whilst they are separate can be easily accessed from his profile.

So I would recommend you create the 'new' family and add links.  Mine is only a work in progress:


Within sources and biography - there's a link to his biological mother.

I purchased his birth certificate as it didn't make sense.  Still researching.
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (66.9k points)
+4 votes
Well, unlke T Cassedy, I think the biological parents should be the direct line and the adoptive parents linked to in the biography.  The thing is that the purpose of WikiTree is the join all the people of the world into one connected tree.  If you don't use bio parents as the connecting line, it can make attempts to determine connectedness wrong.  (of course this is my opinion, but I think it's also the WikiTree position.)  Nobody's going to be dinged for doing it the other way, but someday it will probably be changed by people who don't have an emotional tie to the only people you knew (as grandparents in this case).
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (455k points)
Hi I agree but since my tree was done many years  before I knew that

my Mother was adopted deleting lines is near to impossible.  Mother died in 1992 I have tried to make a tree with bio parents but I am having a very had time because I made mistake and thought that they asked for her Father

and it was her Mother's Father that came up and trying to correct has caused even more problems. I will keep trying ;) thanks for help
Hi Dave

Personally I don't mind how it is shown, but his entire life from 3 months old state his parents (adoptive), schooling, census records, death record from World War 1 etc.  I very much doubt he even knew he was adopted.

How would you show the census records, death records only indicate the parents who adopted him?

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