President Hayes Lineage Question

+8 votes

Abigail Phelps (1731-1836) is the granddaughter of Nathaniel Phelps II (1653-1719). Nathaniel is the brother of Mary Phelps who married Matthew Clesson. Mary and Matthew are my 7th great grandparents. Abigail Phelps married Daniel Austin and they are the great grandparents of the 19th President of the United States Rutherford B. Hayes.

What is my lineage to President Hayes due to my relation of Abigail (Phelps) Austin the great grandmother of President Rutherford B. Hayes and my 7th great grandmother who is Hayes' 4th great aunt?


WikiTree profile: Abigail Austin
in Genealogy Help by Rick Neeley G2G Crew (580 points)
retagged by Robin Lee
Well I drew it out and think you're Pres. Hayes 5th Cousin 4 times removed.  You need to add the parents of Nathan and Mary and then Nathan and Mary's children are 1st cousins.  Abigail is then a 2nd cousin to  Mary's grandchildren.  Abigail's ggrandson RB Hayes is then a 5th cousin of Mary's equilivant and there are 4 more generations to you, Rick.
Wow, Thanks for taking the time to do that. I am still trying to navigate through the requirements to become a volunteer so I can start building out my tree.
Thank you, but I think you don't understand what a flag is for on G2G.  If you'll hold your mouse over most links a message explains what it's for.  In this case a flag is for spam or inappropriate material.
Dave maybe someone bumped it when scrolling.  I work on a Kindle and have to be careful when I scroll not to hit the flag.
Sorry, I didn't realize the flag was for Spam. Dave, your post was greatly appreciated. Please disregard the flag. My mistake.


2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Rick, If you build out your tree, you will be able to use the relationship finder to President Hayes.
by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (368k points)
selected by J Murray
+3 votes
Welcome, Rick!

That sounds hopelessly complicated at first. There are a couple of tools on WikiTree that can help -- you'll find them under the Family Tree and Tools tab in your profile. Once you have entered enough family members to connect that line to the Big Tree, you can use the Relationship to Me link (for blood relatives), and the Global Family Tree Connection link (for relationships including marriages), to find your relationship to LOTS of people. Have fun!

by Carole Partridge G2G6 Mach 7 (77.6k points)

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