Cant add a person or picture

+5 votes
I am aked to enter a source.

When I type in the source the entry is not added.

I know my grandfather's name!

I have a picture of my great-grandfather!

Am I expected to add this information elsewhere on the web so as to be self-referant.  for Wikitree?
in Policy and Style by Charles Lovelace G2G2 (2.6k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Hi Charles

Are you referring to the box that says "this profile lacks source information etc"?

If you click on edit within the profile - scroll down and it has


If you delete this - what has been typed will be visible.

Also within the profile you will also see:

<ref>A source for this information is needed.</ref>

You can either remove it or within it add something like a link:

<ref></ref> Purely an example.

Just another example:

As you can see for the sources I've included references to where someone may find the information themselves.
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.2k points)
My source is Family Bible and Scanned picture.

These are not acceptable and when I try to enter them my whole Entry Name Birthdate Deathdate etc are deleted. I't too frustrating and I'm not going to add those items to the web someplace else so I can giv eWikitree a "Valid" source. I amd the valid source!
On one side of the family because of the country they lived, there are no sources.  I've just added images either of sources or of the person.  To be specific my family spent time in Rhodesia, my father died of a gunshot wound, there are no references, therefore I've only given my own personal account of events.

WikiTree is designed to share and be one big family.  I was amazed when adding profiles to find someone else had added a few already, they knew things about that ancestor I had no knowledge of so I personally found it informative and extremely interesting.

Referring to your comment - I've had a quick nose at your 'contributions' and don't understand why some that you mention - 'my whole entry name, birth date, death date are deleted.  Can you clarify as you have already made a number of profiles.
Thanks for responding.

Fillmore -244 and Fillmore-245 have images added by me to their profile. However Fillmore-243 picture, same drive , same format, same file extension will not add.

I'm confused.

Thanks for your work on buliding the WikiTree.

P.S. An additional question. How do I log on and go straight to a person's page by entering their Wiki Tree name and number eg. Fillmore-245

Thanks again

With respect to Fillmore-245

Use the thread: profiles have the first part - always the same.

The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again.

  Ordunary jpeg file, not corrupt in any site except this one.

Computers make assumptions about the contents of files, based on their naming convention.

It sounds like you are trying to upload a file that doesn't have ".jpg" as part of its filename (and these filename "extensions" are often hidden by some operating systems, like MS Windows -- so you often don't know if its named properly or not).

Try to verify that your image file is named properly "myimage.jpg" before trying to upload it to the site.

If I've understood your problem, I hope that helps.

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