Delete button

+6 votes
Does Wikitree have a delete button?
in Genealogy Help by Nancy Turney G2G6 Mach 3 (34.0k points)
Don't give up. Wikitree can be very daunting.

I have been a member for a few years and just now trying to figure out how to add sources correctly within profiles.  (I have put them in there, just not very well. :)  Yesterday I was so frustrated trying to figure out how to make them look like other folks make them look I wanted to throw my computer through the wall.  I happened to notice a post someone made about an "Excellent Profile" so I checked.  It is excellent.  I printed it as if reading it, then printed as if editing.  It will be a GREAT resource for myself.  Just an example.  I think each person finds their own strengths on this site, and their own weaknesses.  There are so many willing to help.   Go slow, take your time.

If you are adding someone, make sure that person is not on Wikitree already.   Trying to make everyone here connnected, as we all are.  So someone in my line might be linked to someone in your line along the way.  If they are already on here, you can easily link them to someone in your family that you have already entered.  I LOVE that feature, make sure I check each time if I can.  I don't have to do anymore typing if I can link someone.  :)  Just link them by using their profile number.

'Course, is isn't all that easy.  Wish it were.   Keep your chin up.  It will get easier with time and practice.

Don't forget, you can always ask too.  Many here are willing to help whenever possible.

Have a great day.


1 Answer

+5 votes
Hi Nancy, delete? What do you wish to delete?

I see from your recent questions you are struggling a little.  The site can be daunting.  I was frustrated at the beginning but since joining a few months ago (January 2016), I've since managed to make over 11,000 contributions, several thousand profiles - not saying it was easy but I can say it has been rewarding.

Please please don't be put off by the layout of WikiTree, your contributions are very welcome and really appreciated.
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
edited by Living Bowling
Thanks for your information and I am going to give it another try. But I don't know if it will be everyday or not but I do hope to make some headway and to also help out anyone I can. Thanks, Nancy
Wonderful news, remember not everyone may say thank you - but - a huge thank you to you Nancy :)

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