Disconnect children from Ferdinand Hoffmann(-968). Secondly, decide what to do with them

+8 votes

Ferdinand Hoffmann is listed as the father of Frederich Hoffman(-368). As a result of merges he has three sons Andreas with similar if not same dates. Apart from the issue of them most likely being the same person the bigger problem is their identity – Ferdinand did not have a son Friedrich and, therefore, no grandson Andreas.

The Hoffmann von Grünbüchel and Strechau family has numerous Friedrichs, Ferdinands, and Andreases, even a Friedrich with a son named Andreas so that it seems likely that the 19th century authors concocting the genealogy (without sources) on which these Wikitree entries are based mixed things up a bit.

The Friedrich in question here is supposed to have been born in 1522. In fact, the above mentioned Ferdinand is the first of the family of whom a birth date is known (1540), others have only known marriage and death dates.

The possible family members with a son Andreas are

  • Ferdinand’s grandfather Friedrich Hofman zu Grünbüchel (Hoffman-367) who had a son Andreas, died before 1542, married to Kordula von Colnitz, with a son Christoph and a daughter Potenziana.

  • Ferdinand had a brother Johann Friedrich who died in 1589 but did not have a son named Andreas. He did have a son Johann Ferdinand who had a son Johann Andreas who emigrated in 1637 to Franken.

  • Ferdinand himself died in 1607, the year Friedrich is supposed to have died, and he did have a son Andreas.

The book used as the basis for Friedrich purports to delineate the genealogy of Hoffmans who eventually made it to America via the Palatinate. Of the three possible candidates listed above the first appears to be impossible as his son Christoph married in 1546 and appears to have had no issue. The book in question outlines the move of the family from Styria to Bohemia then to the Palatinate. The documented history of the family has them move from Styria to Bohemia. From there the descendants of one member moved to Liegnitz in Silesia, then returned to Bohemia and died out there in the male line. The rest emigrated to Franconia and disappears from recorded history.

For there to be any chance of a connection to the American immigrants it would have to be through Johann Andreas, son of Johann Ferdinand, son of Johann Friedrich. So, what to do with Friedrich once he is disconnected from Ferdinand? Leave him as undocumented head of the line to the American immigrants and give Ferdinand his documented family as new profiles?

WikiTree profile: Ferdinand Hoffmann
in Policy and Style by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)
retagged by Helmut Jungschaffer
Yes, how do we do this?  As showing............son born before father.
I have not been able to find anything about this family after they emigrated to Franconia to avoid religious persecution. My inclination would be for the time being to disconnect Friedrich from Ferdinand and leave it at that until more information about the Palatinate ancestors of the US-Hofmans can be found.
There seems to be "fantasy" attempts to connect the American Hoffmans to these particular Palatinate Hoffmans without sources.

1 Answer

+2 votes
I agree.  How can this be accomplished?
by Karen Hopple G2G2 (2.6k points)
Done. Will add to the family in the near future.
Thanks so much for your help on this line, Helmut. Somehow a son got merged with a father along the line. I unraveled what I could and also fixed the two "Mrs. Andreas Hoffman" to Unknowns as source showed their names were not known.

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