Anyone needing research assistance in Central Nebraska?

+14 votes
I am willing to help with just about any type of on site research in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Which includes on site cemetery searches/photography, Lincoln County Courthouse (Register of Deeds), and North Platte Public Library which houses a fairly good sized family heritage section.

I can also assist with Cozad, Dawson County, Nebraska, but mainly with cemeteries searches/photography in this area.     

I also have a collection of Nebraska History books and local commemorative/history books containing various genealogical data that I am always happy to search through.  I will post a list of the books in my possession later after I get a chance to make a list of them all.

WikiTree profile: Sondra Marshall
in Genealogy Help by Sondra Marshall G2G6 Mach 4 (40.7k points)
edited by Maggie N.

This is a partial listing of books I have available in my collection. The centennial books listed do contain a large number of local family biographies.  

Atlases and Plat Maps:

"Standard Atlas of Dawson County, Nebraska including Plat Book", Geo A Ogle & Co., Chicago, IL, 1904.

"Atlas Dawson County, Nebraska", Title Atlas Co, Minneapolis, MN, 1964.

"Atlas Dawson County, Nebraska", Midwest Atlas Co, Lincoln, NE, 1976.

Local Nebraska history: 

"An Illustrated History of Lincoln County, Nebraska, and Her People: A Narrative of the Past with Special Emphasis Upon the Pioneer Period of the County's History; Particular Attention Also Given to the Social, Commercial, Educational, Religious and Civic Development of the County from the Early Days to the Present Time, Volume 1", Ira L. Bare, Will H. McDonald (joint ed.) American Historical Society, 1920 - Lincoln County (Neb.) (digital copy)

"Battle of the Bridges: Community Rivalry in Dawson County, Nebraska", Rex German, Russ Czaplewski, Dawson County Historical Museum, Jan 1, 1992 - Cozad (Neb.) - (original copy autographed by Czaplewski and German)

“Bertrand 1885-1985” Bertrand, Nebraska Centennial Committee, 1985

“Blizzard: 1949”, Roy V Alleman, The Patrice Press, 1991

“Early & Modern History of Cozad Community", __________________ Printed by Tri-City Tribune, n.d. Contains "Early and Modern History of Cozad and Surrounding Community" by: Charles E. Allen, n.d., n.p.; and "Modern Cozad History" (years included 1960-1972), n.d.

"Early History of the Cozad Community and Pioneer Families 1873-1998", includes "Early and Modern History of Cozad and Surrounding Community" by: Charles E. Allen, n.d., n.p; and Histories of Cozad Community Families, Agriculture and Business", Editor Glenda France, 1999.

“Hershey 1892-1992” Hershey, Nebraska Centennial Committee, 1992

"Brady 1889-1989", Centennial book

"The Saga of Brady Island", by: Mary Jane Meehan & Mary Frances Rielly, Clark Hord Printing - North Platte, n.d.

“Sutherland 1891-1991” Sutherland, Nebraska Centennial Committee, 1991

"McCook's First One Hundred Years: a Centennial Collection of Historical Highlights from McCook, Nebraska" (Portraits of the Past), by Gene O. Morris

"Fort McPherson Nebraska, Fort Cottonwood, N.T.: Guardian of the Tracks and Trails" Louis A. Holmes (Special Edition)

"History of Custer County, Nebraska: A Narrative of the Past, with Special Emphasis Upon the Pioneer Period of the Country's History, Its Social, Commercial, Educational, Religious and Civic Development from the Early Days to the Present Time", William Levi Gaston - 1919 - 1173 pages (digital copy).

"Lincoln: The Capital City and Lancaster County, Nebraska", Vol 2, by: Andrew J. Sawyer, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1916 - Lancaster Co., NE. (digital copy)

Photographic local history: 

“Brownville: Nebraska Territory: A Photographic Essay” Dorothy Broady, Barnhart Press, 1973

“Images of America: Norfolk, Nebraska”, Sheryl Schmeekpepper, Arcadia Publishing, 2000

“Images of America: North Platte: City Between Two Rivers”, Jim Beckius, Arcadia Publishing, 2002


Nellie Snyder Yost:

“No Time on My Hands”, Grace Snyder as told by Nellie Snyder Yost, The Caxton Printers LTD, 1963

“The Call of the Range: The Story of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association”, Nellie Snyder Yost, Sage Books, 1966


A.E. Sheldon:

“History & Stories of Nebraska” A.E. Sheldon, (unknown publisher) n.d.

“Nebraska Civil Government” A.E. Sheldon, The University Publishing Company, 1939

“Nebraska Old & New” A.E.  Sheldon, The University Publishing Company, 1937


Family genealogy:

“Family on a Farm: The Good Life” Eleanor Seberger, Superior Press, 1974


Misc. references:

“David Rankin: Famer” original printed in 1909, Tarkio Missouri, n.d.

I realize you offered assistance in central Nebraska but wondered if you knew about anything in Plattsmouth, NE in far East Central Nebraska.  My Great Uncle Frank E. Doty is buried in a pauper's grave in a cemetery in Plattsmouth.  I have been there but I don't remember the name of the cemetery.  I searched for cemeteries in Plattsmouth and came up with five there.  I searched all five of them for Frank but got no results from any of them.

Do you know anything about Plattsmouth?  Or, if anyone else reading this comment knows anything about Plattsmouth I would really appreciate knowing if they could help me locate Frank's grave again.

Thank you.

Joe Morgan (son of Eva Frances Doty, Grandson of Charlie Emory Doty and 8th Great Grandson of Pilgrim Edward Doty) - Oklahoma
Hi Joe. Actually my Marshall family is from Cass and Otoe Counties, mostly in and around Weeping Water, so I am somewhat familiar with the Plattsmouth area. Let me do some digging to see if I can find an answer for you. ☺
Thank you for checking for me.  I really appreciate it.  I wish had been more alert and made note of the cemetery and taken a picture of Frank's marker but it didn't dawn on me to do that at the time.  Speaking of Weeping Water, my maternal grandmother, Minnie Harshman is from Weeping Water, NE.  Do you follow anyone in the Harshman family?

Joe Morgan - Piedmont, OK
Hi Joe. According to his obituary in the Platsmouth Journal ran on February 21, 1955, he was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Plattsmouth.

Private message me I'll email you a copy of the obituary. ☺

I have not fully traced all my Marshall cousins in Case County yet.  They owned and ran the local shoe store for many many years  (1872-1960's or so) so I will wager some of my kin at least knew the Harshmans. ☺

1 Answer

0 votes

Memorial Day Weekend is approaching and I'm starting to make lists of gravestones that need to be photographed this year.  If anyone has a request in any of the following cemeteries located in Lincoln and Dawson County, Nebraska, please let me know so I can add any requests for photos to my list for this year.

I will certainly be visiting the following:

Cozad Cemetery,  Fairview Cemetery and Grand View Cemetery in Dawson County, Nebraska and Ft McPherson National Cemetery in Maxwell, Lincoln County, Nebraska.

I can stop at the following cemeteries this year if anyone needs me to:

Dawson County, Nebraska: Cottonwood Cemetery (aka Bethel Church Cemetery),  Gothenburg Cemetery, Pleasant View Cemetery, Walnut Grove Cemetery,  and Willow Island Cemetery

Lincoln County, Nebraska: North Platte Cemetery, Catholic Cemetery, Floral Lawns Memorial Gardens, McCullough Cemetery, Plainview Cemetery, Brady Cemetery,  Mariam Cemetery, Conroy's Gravesite and Gaslin Cemetery

The Buffalo area in Dawson County is a bit out of my way this year but if someone needs photos from one of the rural cemeteries in this area let me know and I will try to work them into my plans.

by Sondra Marshall G2G6 Mach 4 (40.7k points)

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