Blackstone-239 was in the Navy World War II, can I get his information added, Thanks

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in The Tree House by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)

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Donnie, I tried to find him.  There are two Paul Blackstones listed on the Navy Muster Rolls, a Paul A. Blackstone and a plain Paul Blackstone, with (n) where there should be a middle name.  Without more info about Paul Foster Blackstone's military service, I can't be sure if the plain Paul Blackstone is the correct person, especially as I think the (n) means that he had no middle name.
by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (368k points)
selected by Anonymous Vickery
I am pretty sure that the (n) means no middle name. I have three middle names because my grandfather who served in the US Airforce had no middle name and was required to indicate it on his paperwork; I get a choice of middle names. ^_^
I believe they was a Paul Foster Blackstone Sr and a Paul Foster Blackstone Jr, and they was a Paul Foster Garage in Grove, Greenville County, S.C in the 1930 because Clifton Roy Blackstone is listed as working for Paul Fosters Garage, If any of this helps Paul Foster Blackstone find a Grave has alot of details he lived in Alabama and his Father was Ellison Capers Blackstone and  Mother  Addie Rebecca Foster so Abie Rebecca Foster most likely had this Paul Foster that had the Garage in Golden Grove Community, Greenville County, South Carolina as a Dad.
Paul Foster Blackstone U.S.Navy World War II,  lived to be 91 death April 2, 2012 Pelham, Alabama,  lived all his life in Jefferson County, Alabama buried at Valhalla, Cemetery  father Ellison Capers Blackstone of Greenville County, S.C died Greenville County, S.C,  mother Addie Rebecca Foster Blackstone born Greenville County, S.C died Alabama?  I looked up Paul Foster Blackstone Obituary and got most this information, Thanks
Hi Donnie, I have no problem finding Paul Foster Blackstone.  The problem is finding his naval record.  There are only two Paul Blackstones in the Navy in WW2, and neither of them appears to be Paul Foster Blackstone. If we knew more about his service, we might be able to find something.

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