I need help in putting a complete cemetery listing completed w/tombstone pix

+7 votes

I have a complete cemetery listing with tombstone pictures.I need best way to display it. Current URL is my desktop, but prefer copying it to Wikitree if practical.

C:\Users\JonCzar\Contacts\Desktop\RootsMagic Pix\Sources\Cemetery Listings\Bartlett Alpha

Open to suggestions because have access to more than one.


in Policy and Style by Jon Czarowitz G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+7 votes

You should check out this project it would fit nicely in this project.

Project: United States Cemeteries

Becoming a Cemeterist

If you have signed the WikiTree Honor Code, have an interest in researching cemeteries and have been an active WikiTree member for at least one month, please contact our U.S. Cemeteries leaders, Lisa Franklin, and request that you be added to the project. They will be happy to award you the "Cemeterist" badge and send you an invitation to join the project’s Google+ Community. Please see the Badge Report for a full listing of all those who have been awarded the "Cemeterist" badge. Next, follow the link(s) below in the "U.S. States and Coordinators" section to the state subproject(s) that you will be working on. On each page, under the "Participants" section(s), add your name, a brief introduction to let other members know about you and, if you are working in multiple states, the others that you will be working in. Finally, add cemeteries to your list of followed tags so that you'll see all of the group's discussions in your G2G Feed.

The most interesting, rewarding and important aspects of the project are conducted by county-level task forces that operate as part of their particular state subproject. Task forces consist of individuals or groups of members that work together to add new cemetery category pages to their corresponding county pages, and to link WikiTree profiles to their respective cemeteries. A working knowledge of creating categories is preferred; however, a tutorial is available here to help you get started.

Each state subproject will have a coordinator that oversees the activity of the various task forces that operate within their state. If you have been a Cemeteries project member for at least one month, have demonstrated proficiency in creating new cemetery categories and enjoy working with others having the same interests, you are welcome to inquire about becoming a coordinator for one or more of our state subprojects.

As the project continues to develop, regional managers may be appointed to oversee activity in the subprojects of their particular area, and to function as liaisons between the project’s leaders and coordinators. Serving as a regional manager is a great way to further enhance your level of participation on WikiTree and may lead to an eventual nomination to the WikiTree leaders group. The following lists our current state subprojects and their coordinators:

Go here to read all the details,

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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