Do you need help in the Mahoning County Ohio area?

+8 votes
I was recently given a large selection of records from Mahoning County Ohio as well as some from Columbiana and Trumbull Counties in Ohio. I am also at the Mahoning County Courthouse in Youngstown once a week doing research if anyone needs anything.

The records that I have at home include cemeteries, township histories, some wills & administrations, early adoption records, coroner's inquests, guardianship records, divorces, marriages, etc...

It's not a complete collection but I'd be happy to look to see if I have anything that anyone may need.
WikiTree profile: Jen Giblin
in Genealogy Help by Jen Giblin G2G Crew (470 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+3 votes
Hey Jen!

Thanks so much for your offer of help.  And, if you ever need anything from nearby Allegheny County, PA, please let me know, as I live 10 minutes north of downtown Pittsburgh.

Given that you have a lot of experience with Mahoning County, I was wondering if you could take a quick look at the profile for my gr-gr-grandfather, William Lennox.  He was working as a brakeman on the Pennsylvania and Lake Erie Railroad in August of 1882, when he died in a tragic accident in Lowellville:

He does not appear in the death records for Pittsburgh (where he and his wife and children lived) in 1882.  As such, I have always wondered if there might be some record of his death (or Coroner's report, etc.) in Mahoning.  Based on everything I have see though, there are no Mahoning death records or Coroner's reports from back then.

So - while there may be nothing on him from Mahoning, I thought I would run this by you, since you have experience with the records.


by Ray Jones G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
Hi Ray!

Thank you for the offer, I will keep that in mind. I have nothing in my books regarding your gr gr grandfather. My coroner's inquests, which is volume 1 begins in 1883 (figures, doesn't it?!). When I go to the courthouse this week I will ask one of the more experienced genealogists if and where there would be record of this. Early records are so hit and miss. Whether I find anything or not I will let you know though.

Thanks Jen!

Ya - I remember the 1883 starting date for the coroners archives, as I believe that these are available on Familysearch.  Unfortunately, I suspect that no records exist on August 1882 deaths.  I appreciate you following up though.

I checked the courthouse and unfortunately there is no death record for your great great grandfather. There's probably an article in our local paper but you already have newspaper articles. Wish I could have been more help.

+2 votes
Hi Jen,

My name is Don McArtor and I would like to take advantage of your offer to help. My great grandpa lived in Garfield and worked as a game warden but moved to Springfield after some trouble. His family, Kenneth, Donald, John Earle (my granddad) were from there. I have a graduation notice for John Earle from Garfield HS 1905. John Ross McArtor was from Columbiana County. I have some news article for John Ross but would appreciate any new light you might be able to shed on this family. His daughters were Mary, Helen, and Ada Leona. The only death I'm aware of that might have occurred there would be Floyd McArtor.
by Don McArtor G2G Rookie (260 points)
Jen, an update on my last msg. J. Ross McArtor and family were in Garfield from about 1895-1912. Floyd died there Dec 1906. Mary was actually Margaret Alice. Sorry, I was working off a somewhat unreliable memory.
Hi Don,

I will be at the courthouse tomorrow and will probably be at the library sometime next week. If you tell me specifically what you are looking for I would be happy to look for you.
Thanks for getting back to me. I'd like to know if any court proceedings on John Ross McArtor's case are available. Any court records concerning him between 1905 and 1911.  Also, any records of Floyd McArtor's birth or death.

When at the library, any photos showing his blacksmith shop would make my day.

Thanks again for your help

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