Help connect Rosario Dawson?

+12 votes
Want to help with a Notables connection? Rosario Dawson needs to be connected to the big tree.

If you're interested, let me know and I can add you to Trusted Lists.

WikiTree profile: Rosario Dawson
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Karen Lowe
Please add me to the trusted list and I'll take a look. Thanks!
Awesome! I've added you to her and her parents.
I can also take a look.

3 Answers

+5 votes
I believe she's the lady who played the waitress / princess in Men in Black.  I thought she was great and looked her up at the time to see what else she'd acted in.  Wish I had time to work on her genealogy, but good luck on getting some volunteers.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
+7 votes
I recognized her from the Sin City movie.

I've added a number of updates to her profile, but so far no connection. Her grandmother is the most promising, as she was born in Puerto Rico about 1935 and had 4 husbands (I think). She's got a number of children and bunches of grandchildren, so somewhere in there is a clue that will lead to a link. I've gone about as far as I can for now without really digging in deep. If I get a chance, I'll go down to the next level of hunting for a connection, but for now I'll have to settle for what I've got.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Wait, did someone say "Puerto Rico"? I added the tag. Clearly my morning is now booked. :)
Hi, Would you please add me as well?
+5 votes

I found a connection for Rosario Dawson. Her great-great-aunt Julia Alvira y Torres married Roy Allen Garrison. Roy's fourth-great-grandfather Christopher Garrison (1730-1810) helped to found Mount Pleasant Church in Banks County, Georgia, and is buried there. I'll add more sources and maybe some other lines later this weekend. Others are welcome to jump in and help! We can certainly add some US Southern Colonies lines in Georgia and North Carolina.


It would still be great to expand on Rosario's cousins in Puerto Rico. Every person we add strengthens our connections and makes it that much easier for the researchers coming along after us!

Here's a to-do list in Puerto Rico. Feel free to comment on this answer if you're taking on some of these tasks and I'll keep editing the list:

  1. Add parents and siblings of Antonio Alvira y Robles (1855 - 1929) - parents' names in bio
  2. Add parents and siblings of Juana Rivera y Maldonado - maybe get parents' names from her children's birth records
  3. Add parents and family members of Arcadia Robles y Morales of Fajardo.
  4. Add to bio of parents and add siblings of Marciso Solero y Feliciano of Ceiba.
  5. Add parents and siblings of Mercedes Robles y Collazo.
  6. Add parents and siblings, flesh out children of Felix Robles y Albert.
by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (201k points)
edited by Karen Lowe
I've been slowly adding some.

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