I don't understand how to connect my DNA test from Ancestry to WikiTree.

+12 votes
WikiTree profile: Georganna Ruth Bower Stoops
in Genealogy Help by Georganna Ruth Bower Stoops G2G Crew (490 points)
You need to also confirm your membership too (-:

If you did not get an email, look for it in your spam box.

1 Answer

+8 votes

Georganna Ruth,

This feature is covered at http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/DNA_Features#Recording_Tests

We don't upload our actual DNA results to WikiTree as we do on GEDmatch and other tools. We just do this:

  1. From your profile, go to Add -> DNA Test Information.
  2. Under Add a New Test, select AncestryDNA.
  3. Fill in your Ancestry user name.
  4. Fill in your GEDmatch ID if you have one. It's highly recommended to participate on GEDmatch.com so that we can compare your results to our own. See http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/GEDMatch
  5. Press the big button ADD TEST FOR <YOUR NAME> - that's it! Tomorrow morning you should see your test information start to appear on your profile and those of your ancestors and close cousins. 
by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (202k points)

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