William Parker Parker-1779 was in the American Revolution War can someone add his Patriot information Please, Thank's

+9 votes
WikiTree profile: William Parker
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (314k points)
retagged by Michael Stills

2 Answers

+4 votes


A quick search of the NSDAR Genealogy Research System reveals a few Revolutionary War Patriots with the name "William Parker" 

Three with a wife named "Elizabeth" 

These gentlemen served in New Hampshire & Virginia  

There is only one "William Parker" listed in the DAR database to have served in North Carolina 

His wife is listed as "Mary X" 

Could this William Parker be the ancestor you're looking for? 

 {{DAR-grs|A087811|William Parker|6/04/2016}}


Best of luck! 


by Laura Wilkins G2G2 (2.8k points)
This William may be the father and Mary X. , may be the mothers name of my William Parker ,The William I have is born 1752 and married to Elizabeth Clarke, This Parker family is something else. Thanks, I wish I could find someone working on the same family line so I could compare my DNA 23andme Paternal R1b1b2a Maternal J1c2 Gedmatch kit # M416339
Can you identify the Elizabeth Clarke in the tree - like this  minus the spaces -

[[Clarke- 1 2 3 4 |Elizabeth Clarke ]]
No I don't Mary Elizabeth Clarke-7480 maybe , I'm going to have to go back in my records and look around,  it may be in a will or death of a child. THANKS
Martha Pleasant Anderson Parker,  Find A Grave and William Parker but it is find a grave information I see so I guess I may need to move the parents up and squeeze in the them , is this possible or want do y'all recommend,  Thanks
I got a lot of work done to the park line I'm going to do some more they are information on this site [[http://parkergenealogy.tripod.com / Parker Genealogy of Western North Carolina to A.D]]
My Parker family that came from North Carolina to South Carolina sold his land for a 10 cents an acre does anyone have this information on paper,  on Lake Toxaway,  information is much appreciated.
Hey Donnie, I am working on this line and would love to share info with you, I have had my dna tested with 23andme. I live in NC close to Lake Toxaway. Please reach out to me. If possible I would love to become a DAR and I'm curious if anyone has been able to use William to do so.
Becki Holley you can go to Blackstone-170 and message me I don’t know much about our line I do know that they lived around Lake Toxaway before my line move to Piedmont we may have some information wrong we could use all the help we can get. My Dee Monroe Parker had a lot of land and sold it to someone in his family for 10 cents an acre and came to Piedmont and worked in the Mill raised 12 children and farmed some of his children was born in Andrews some in Franklin or somewhere close to these places his land he sold was at Lake Toxaway then some more of his children born in Piedmont probably on the Greenville side of Piedmont they lived on a road called Park Row in Piedmont, my grandmother was born in NC in 1904 she wasn’t the oldest I believe they was 10 younger then her, her name was Ida Parker 1904-1978 she married Ernest Dean Spearman he was a native of Piedmont, Anderson, SC, his line had been some of the first to settle around Brushy Creek, Piedmont, Anderson, SC early 1800, I’m very interested in my Parker line mom said that they was Germany, I don’t know if that’s true, my Dee Monroe Parker married Minnie Ann Cope she was a little younger then him it’s hard to track her line also. the Parker, Cope, Mathis, Brown and others all came down to Piedmont in a very large group from the picture I got they looked like a wild bunch, lol guns and liquor in hand maybe just for show but the picture had about 30 + folks they called them the Possum Gang they had a pet possum in the picture bare foot, we haven’t changed much Piedmont is full of kin folks of this bunch.

You may want to check out William S. Parker Sr. (1770- aft. 1840) is my line Parker-1595 But I don’t see a Mary his dad may have been in the War..
+5 votes
If you are still researching William Parker, I added a Rev War record from his SC 3rd Regiment service record.   There is probably a conflict with the Find a Grave entry, as he would have been too young to be in the War.
by Living Moore G2G6 Mach 1 (11.2k points)
G.Moore do you have a list of children and Spouses of the William you added the record from.. Find A Grave may not be correct I guess we need to make sure the wife’s are for the correct ones of William that are added. Thanks
The JD Lewis record doesn't list a family.  You might try and see if he filed a pension.  If he was alive in 1840, he would be listed by name and age in the 1840 Census.
Don’t see a J.D. Lewis
Look at the first source for William Parker.  Click on the link to see William's service record.
Ok thanks I see now.

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