I am trying to add numbered links from my timeline to my sources and then arrowed links from my sources back to the timeline facts but the links are not working and some of my code is appearing in the biography. Here is what I am typing:
Timeline:1851 Wantage, Blewbury, Berkshire, England, UK <sup id="_ref-0" class="reference"><a href="#_note-0" title="">[1]</a></sup>
Source:<ol class="references"><li id="_note-0"><a href="#_ref-0" title="">↑</a> England Census 1851 Piece 1689/Folio 595/Page 21 </li>
Here is the output I'm getting:
Timeline:1851 Wantage, Blewbury, Berkshire, England, UK <a href="#_note-0" title="">[1]</a>
Source: 1.<a href="#_ref-0" title="">↑</a> England Census 1851 Piece 1689/Folio 595/Page 2
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong please?
Also when I paste the link to the person's profile in the box below it says that Wikitree ID doesn't exist.