Who was the actual father of Reverend Hugh Mosher of Providence, R.I.?

+10 votes

I am opening this G2G Question as a better place to discuss the parentage of Mosher-171 and Mosher-184.  Originally scheduled for a potential merge, they have been marked as rejected matches.  At least one reference indicates that they are father and son:  https://archive.org/stream/originhistoryofm00mosh#page/14/mode/1up

The first paragraph of Hugh Mosher-171 (which indicates that he is the son of Nicholas) is a paragraph titled HELP HELP HELP.  That along with old bulletin board messages creates a feeling of despair when users are attempting to add children to the profile.  

The first paragraph of Mosher-184 (which indicates that he is the son of Stephen) also is a paragraph titled HELP HELP HELP.  

I think that some discussion is warranted and if the reference that I cited is proven acceptable, then Ensign Hugh Mosher should be made the father of Reverend Hugh Mosher, replacing Nicholas Mosher as the father.

WikiTree profile: Hugh Mosher
in Genealogy Help by Janne Gorman G2G6 Mach 4 (43.7k points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
I would like to point you to this site!

 http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi op=GET&db=lees_trees&id=I0252

 I know the Mosher family has been researched by a lot of people!  I thought there was a Mosher family Association but I couldn't find it when I looked for it!  

It would be great if we could get the correct information in one place!  Lots of resources about the family on the Internet!

by M Lurvey G2G2 (2.2k points)

http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi%20op=GET&db=lees_trees&id=I0252    Not Found

The requested URL /cgi-bin/igm.cgi op=GET&db=lees_trees&id=I0252 was not found on this server.

Could you check the url that you posted above, again, please?

Seriously? This is a thing? I just traced my husbands line back to these guys and it clearly states that Hugh was Stephans son. Why is this a thing?? I was just looking online to see if any of them were on any of the boats and came across this posting.
There have been so many merges for this one profile (and another one that I don't think should occur) that there are too many profile managers.   Since it is an open profile, if you have done credible research, perhaps you feel confident enough to clean up that biography.  I don't think HELP HELP HELP is productive.  But, since there is a cry for help, maybe you can provide the necessary relief?

I'm not sure how to work this sitem but this is what I have from Ancestory.Com and this mergerges with a few other peoples line ups, hope this answers the original question :

Stephen Mosher (1572 - 1599)
10th great-grandfather of husband

Hugh Mosher (1600 - 1694)
son of Stephen Mosher

Daniel Mosher (1678 - 1751)
son of Hugh Mosher

Constant Mosher (1713 - 1791)
son of Daniel Mosher

Michael Mosher (1749 - 1807)
son of Constant Mosher

Michael Mosher (1781 - 1865)
son of Michael Mosher

William Mosher (1814 - )
son of Michael Mosher

Forbes E Mosher (1845 - 1895)
son of William Mosher

Morris B Mosher (1870 - 1927)
son of Forbes E Mosher

George Mosher (1899 - 1982)
son of Morris B Mosher

George Peter Mosher (1921 - 2002)
son of George Mosher

John Mosher (1945 - )
son of George Peter Mosher

John Mosher (1970 - )
son of John Mosher

Heather Mosher
You are the wife of John Mosher

Should add the above John Mosher has two sons : Michael Mosher and John C. Mosher

    +6 votes
    Hugh Mosher is my G9GFather. My family commissioned an extensive genealogical study which found Nicholas Moger (G10GFather) of Cucklington,Somersetshire is his father. Mother is Lydia Maxon.

    My G11GFather is John Moger 1546-1612 & married to Edith Crosse 1555-1619.

    I'm just now exploring our family and the study is extensive!

    Denise Brewer
    Can you give us the source reference, or the name of the genealogist (firm?) so that changes may be made to the profile.  I don't change other people's profile, even if they are open, without references that may be checked by the profile manager and others.  Thanks for your response!
    I'll find the genealogist and source info and get back.
    Also, according to my research the confusion stems from 2 different Hugh Moshers.
    Did the promised information about a genealogist ever surface?
    No, and since the comment was made in 2017, it is not likely to be forthcoming, either.
    +4 votes
    Esekiel Mosher (could have gone by Hugh or Nicholas) but his birth name is Ezekiel. He was born in 1607 in Manchester England. Died in 1640 in Wesley Washington RI.  He married Lydia Maxson. THEIR SON- Hugh Mosher (b.1690) in Newport, Newprt RI and Died on 3 Nov 1713 in Newport, Newport RI and was buried 7 Dec 1713 in Dartmouth, Bristol Mass. This Hugh married Rebecca Maxson in 1665 in Dartmouth, Bristol Mass. Hugh and Rebecca had 10 children: Ann, Nicholas, John, Joseph, Mary, Hannah, Ann (yes 2), Rebecca, Daniel, and James. Their Son Nicholas married Elizabeth Audley- 14 Aug 1687 in Newport, Newport RI. They had 16 children: Hugh, Joseph, Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas, Rodman, Silas, Nicholas, Mercy, Phebe, Rebecca, Godffrey, Ephriam, Margaret, Sarah, Lydia.   I am a descendent from Nicholas and Elizabeth's son Hugh who married Sarah Deuel 25July1717 I have more information I am 10 Gen from this line and I have the information for 13 generations.
    by Kathy Darnell G2G Crew (320 points)

    The only certain clue as to the family of Hugh Mosher (abt 1633-1713) is when he named Jeremiah Clarke as one of the overseers in his Will dated 1709, calling him his “kinsman”. Although Hugh and Jeremiah were not related, Jeremiah was descended through both his father and his mother from families well known in England.

    Hugh’s probable father was Nicholas Moger, documented in Bristol, England as late as 1626, while married to his first wife Ann (married secondly Lydia Maxson). Nicholas’ brother Hugh of Wincanton, Somerset, England named Hugh (b. abt 1633) in his Will of 1657: "To godson, Hugh Moger, son of brother Nicholas Moger: £5."

    Another clue as to the father of Hugh (b. abt 1633) is the fact Hugh named his firstborn son Nicholas, as was the naming convention of the time.

    Christopher Mosher, also a descendant of Hugh Mosher and Sarah Devol, married April 25, 1717, wrote that three Mosher brothers, Hugh, John and Daniel were the ones who came to America.

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