Is it possible to see a list of the profile managed? If so can you provide instructions.

+7 votes
The Question is self explanatory.  However it bears repeating.  Is there a way to see a list of profiles under my management.  ie.  people not in my family tree.  like orphaned profiles I adopted.
in WikiTree Tech by Richard Bruce Provost G2G1 (1.4k points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
I don't know of any way to list only the adopted profiles without listing family members as well.  But here's something you can try.

In the upper right corner of any profile page, there are five tabs that will display drop-down menus.  Click on the first one - "My WikiTree", and near the bottom of that drop-down menu is a link to "Watchlist".  This will display every profile that you manage, including family and adopted profiles. You can sort the list by Name, Birthdate, or last Edit Date, whichever one may help you more easily spot the adopted profiles that are among the family in your list.
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (755k points)
selected by Richard Bruce Provost
+1 vote
Hi Richard.  In your Watchlist (which you can access under the "My WikiTree" menu at the top of the page) you'll see a "Status/ID" column showing the WikiTree IDs of all the profiles on your Watchlist.  For those profiles you manage, the ID is preceded by the letter M.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (590k points)
+1 vote
On your profile page, Click on My WikiTree.

On the dropdown list, click on Watchlist.   I think that is what you are looking for.

Once you get on that page there are several options across the Top, including Unconnected.  Those would be profiles that aren't connected to your Tree, and may be the link to most of those adoptions.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (919k points)
edited by Chris Hoyt

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