It's reverse psychology. Support from me = kiss of death.
Having banged on for 2 years about the junk mountain and the obstacles to fixing it, obviously I'm all in favour.
And in general terms I'm especially in favour of sanity checks on profiles. The bizarre thing is that we can't add an {{Unsourced}} or a {{citation needed}} to a profile without giving grounds for complaint.
I did a few dozen corrections, but I kept running into the obstacles. How can WikiTree be helped when it's so paranoid and restricts access to the facilities?
It should be obvious that if people are allowed to get on with the job as quickly and efficiently as possible, the profiles that get fixed will massively outnumber the ones that get screwed up.
Actually this might change now. I think the Corrections Officers will keep coming back for more badge powers and exemptions, and then they at least will be able to make progress.
They'll need to, because I doubt if more than a few percent of corrections will be done by PMs. There's enthusiasm on G2G, but G2G readers are highly untypical WikiTree users by definition.
I do worry that the db_errors stuff isn't ready for all the users who haven't discovered the Edit tab yet. They especially won't get why the box doesn't disappear immediately when they fix the error.