How to get copy of birth certificate?

+10 votes
I have many ancestors from Blount County Tennessee.  I would like to get copies of as many birth/marriage/death certificates as I can to tie down facts about these folks.

I do not live far so it would be easy to drive there.  Anyone got any idea where I would go?  How to go about getting this info?

Phil Kennedy
in Genealogy Help by Phil Kennedy G2G6 (7.1k points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Have you checked out their website and tried contacting them via e-mail or phone?
by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
+3 votes
I would start by going to the County Clerks office. If they don't have them, they should know where to send you.
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (763k points)
edited by John Noel

I sent an email and got the following reply.  Thanks to everyone for their assistance.


I would need names (groom name and brides maiden name if you have it) and approximate dates to look for marriage licenses.  On the birth and death records we do not have any prior to 1881.  We have 1881&82, 1908-1912, 1925-1938. They were recorded in books.  Prior to 1914 we were not required to keep them. I have some other records earlier such as wills and probate or court records. You can email me a list and I will check the records and let you know the cost to get copies.  Thank you, Jackie Glenn, Blount County Records Manager & Archivist



You might want to go there yourself. It might be more fun that way and you might find something you didn't expect. When I was getting copies it cost me 25 cents each. Some wanted 50 cents each. My wife went to one of her counties & they wanted 5 dollars each, so that was the end of her looking. You could take a picture with your phone for free. Good Luck

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