Is there a pre-1700 group who can help with a merge of multiple Woodward family members?

+7 votes
I have been trying to update my Woodard/Woodward family, but I keep discovering family members that are not connected to each other, but they should be.  I have written multiple people explaining my connection to their posts.  I was wondering if there was a group that works together to get it done correctly.  I did manage to get a couple mergers accomplished, but is actually frustrating that I cant clean it up.

Here are some examples:  Woodward 34 I have complete information about his parents, siblings, wife, children, etc.  The low number tells you he was created over 6 years ago and has not been modified since then.

 Woodward 1445 - I keep trying to add his siblings but then I discover his siblings are already made by someone else but not connected: Woodward 34, Woodward 1476,

Woodward 2161  is my 7th great grandfather - I do not agree with the wife - but there is also no connection to the others...  There is a marriage certificate that many people on assumed was his marriage but closer examination shows that it was not his marriage.  He married Anna Dewey not Hannah Dewey -

I am not trying to criticize anyone - I am excited to find others posting my heritage and hopefully our dna will connect as well!  I just want to make the tree complete - so that is why I am asking if there is perhaps a group to help put it all together.
in Genealogy Help by Darleen Totten G2G4 (4.1k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hello Darleen,

I see you are pre1700 certified.

When you include profiles - it's easier for everyone when the full link is provided full link e.g. Woodward 1445 - would be - a copy and paste.

Off to have a look and see if I'm able to help in anyway.

I have had a look.


Have you initiated any other merges?  I couldn't find any for the following:

At the bottom the profile page there are three headers in one line

"Pending Merge" - "Unmerged Matches" and "Rejected Matches"

Within the Pending Merge - it asks if you wish to initiate a merge e.g. add/edit
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
edited by Living Bowling
it is more a blend than a merge -  Their posts need to connect with someone else's posts.  The only option I see is if i go ahead and make a new person for each of them then ask for a merge - but that isnt the concept here as I understand it.  If someone else made that person then you merge with that person, but I have found that only some of them have a button to ask for a merge without making it first.

So do I just go ahead and make everyone then ask for a merge?
Have you been in touch with the profile manager/s?  Only my thought is if you create an additional profile only to merge it - that is double the work when a profile is already created.

I'm unsure what a 'blend' is?

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