Profile Father is created automatically in some cases.

+9 votes
I noticed that in the following case the profile of the father  automatically is generated.

Situation: profile without parents profiles.

Found Birthcertificate of twins, so I add a new profile for the other child using the option "add sibbling".

Whats happening after saving is that automatically a profile is generated for the father containing only the Last Name at Birth and Current Lastname. The proper Firstname shows UNKNOWN. The rest of the profile is empty, including the biography section.

Is this a bug?

In the example, I add the firstnames by hand.
WikiTree profile: Gillis Marinusse de Nooijer
in WikiTree Tech by Joop van Belzen G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
I noticed that too when I added siblings and an Unknown father profile was generated automatically. I understand, it makes sense, but I don't like 'Unknown' profiles, they vex me! Still, can not be avoided at times.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
It is not a bug. When you are adding a sibling the relationship is linked thru the parents and for that reason there must be at least one parent so the program creates an Unknown father with the same LNAB to make the program work properly.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
selected by Joop van Belzen
Ok, clear

Thanks for the answer.
+5 votes
In fact the only connections stored directly are Father and Mother.

The list of children is "which profiles have this one as a parent?"

The list of siblings is "which profiles share a parent with this one?"

The spouses are "which profiles share a marriage with this one?"

This means, when you manipulate parents, the siblings will come and go automatically.

It's also why duplicates often appear as siblings.

It's also why duplicates never have the same children.
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (655k points)

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