Can not find Andres McDaniels-156 on any census.

+9 votes
Andres McDaniels-156  born Oct. 1863-1900 to Daniel McDaniels abt 1841-1880 and Mary Sonders abt 1846.  Andres married Catherine Dunn at such time he converted to Catholic to marry her.  I can not find a birth certificate for Andres nor is he on any census.  I believe Daniel McDaniels to have probably not married Mary Sonders (Andres mother) and went into the Civil War 1864.  Upon returning he married an Emma Huber and had more children but never a mention of Andres on any census for Daniel or Mary Sonders.  I need help please.  I need to find out why my great grandfather seems to have left the grid!
WikiTree profile: Andrus McDaniels
in Genealogy Help by Carolyn Cook G2G6 (8.9k points)
What state, county and city was Andres McDaniels born in, and die in?
Carolyn, I changed the profile link to your question to point to Andres' profile.
That is a question I am not sure of.  His father Daniel McDaniels was born in NJ in 1841 I would think sussex co. Huntingdon but that is just an educated guess.  His father died in Pa and is in a Shickshinny ,Luzerne County, Pa. cemetary in January 1923 but for Andres I do not know. I would guess he was also born in NJ also but he was killed in Pittsburg Pa in 1900.  He was hit by a train.  I believe him to be buried there also.I have tried all Pa searches and NJ searches.  Any help to steer me in the right directions would be appreciated.
Thanks so much.  I thought I tried that and it didn't work so I used my main one in my name.  I am learning!! hehe
This is all U.S.A.
His Father was Daniel McDaniels born New Jersey USA and his mother was Mary Sonders born USA  Both about 1845
this information I had is all incorrect and am back to the drawing board
Do you know the county or city in NJ where Daniel McDaniels was born in about 1845?

Would Andres have been born in NJ or PA?

Could a McDaniels have dropped the Mc from the surname to become Daniels somewhere along the way?
Hi Frank.  Thanks for responding.  This has been updated in a new thread as this Daniel born in New Jersey and lived in Pennsylvania is not the Daniel that was Andres McDaniels father.  So I am up for suggestions once again.  I don't know much which makes it even harder.  For all I know he came over from Ireland or England on the boat but once again, so far all my searching has been fruitless. I know the spellings seemed to have varied or the census taker at the time didn't spell or hear correctly. I don't think that the Mc was ever dropped from Daniel but I have seen it written as McDaniel and Mac Daniels and even a couple McDonald.  I was told he was born in Luzerne County Pennsylvania but that is also family hearsay.  I DO know he lived in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in the late 1880's and the 1890's until his death at 40 years old. Thanks for your time!  Carolyn McDaniels Cook

2 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Carolyn, welcome

I've had a look at but there's no continent, country, etc.

Can you enlighten us a little more?
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (67.3k points)
I am trying T Cassidy.  Obviously I am a newbie and this is my first question.  I have just added some more info but I really don't have a lot.  This was U.S.A.  Probably New Jersey born but Pittsburg Pennsylvania death...killed by a train in 1900.  Thanks so much for your help
Carolyn, You are doing exactly what you should do: Ask questions.  If anyone can help you, they will.

I did have a good look at everything about Andres and about his supposed parents, Daniel McDaniels and Mary Sonders.  I could find absolutely nothing connecting them.
+2 votes

Andrew J Mcdannels

United States Census, 1870

Name Andrew J Mcdannels
Event Type Census
Event Year 1870
Event Place Pennsylvania, United States
Gender Male
Age 6
Race White
Race (Original) W
Birth Year (Estimated) 1863-1864
Birthplace Pennsylvania
Page Number 3






John Mcdannels   M 40 Pennsylvania
Lodinia Mcdannels   F 40 Pennsylvania
Robert Mcdannels   M 16 Pennsylvania
Jacob Mcdannels   M 14 Pennsylvania
David Mcdannels   M 13 Pennsylvania
Lucy A Mcdannels   F 10 Pennsylvania
John H Mcdannels   M 8 Pennsylvania
Andrew J Mcdannels   M 6 Pennsylvania
Mary A Mcdannels   F 3 Pennsylvania
William Mcdannels   M 0 Pennsylvania
Thomas Mcfadden   M 38 Pennsylvania


View the original document. The original may contain more information than was indexed.

United States Census, 1870

Household ID 17
Line Number 17
Affiliate Name The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number M593
GS Film number 000552959
Digital Folder Number 004276447
Image Number 00087

Citing this Record

"United States Census, 1870," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 17 October 2014), Andrew J Mcdannels in household of John Mcdannels, Pennsylvania, United States; citing p. 3, family 17, NARA microfilm publication M593 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 552,959.

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Looks like Jackson Twp., Venango County, PA.  Check for accuracy. Shows wife, children, Allegheny County place of death, Sygan PA 14.1 miles from Piittsburgh and 20 minutes away. .

Submitted 4/12/2016 You may want to contact the submitter.

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