please need help finding any welsh and english ancestry, finding great grandparents

+9 votes
WikiTree profile: Clare Hamment
in Genealogy Help by Clare Hamment G2G Crew (800 points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
With any research, you have to start from yourself and work backwards, Clare. Get all the docs pertaining to yourself, your parents and your grandparents together, and record the details. Depending on what country you are in, your grandparents' birth certs will record your great-grandparents names, and you should get their ages and places of birth. If they are in Great Britain, the Registers of Births, Marriages and Death go back to 1837 (try freeBMD,com), so (assuming your surname isn't Jones or something so common it drives you nuts) you might be able to go back to around that time. Before that, there are church registers, many of which have been copied online in sites such as The censuses, which go back to 1841, are also very useful for tracking families. There is as well.

Let me know if you need any help. Glad to give some pointers. I am in Australia, but have successfully negotiated British documentation. Cheers
by Susan Scarcella G2G6 Mach 8 (82.8k points)
selected by Clare Hamment
+6 votes
Hi Clare,

There are quite a few genealogy web sites these days. Some are 'pay' sites and some are free. There are several sites where you can leave detailed messages about who you are looking for and what information you are specifically looking for.  So, there are several options.

To be able to help you, you need to supply as much info as you have on your maternal and paternal grandparents i.e. full names, dates (birth, marriage, death), place names including town, county/state and country, their siblings.  Oh, there are so many details to every person!

Your parents details and your aunts and uncles details may also help but you should speak to them, if possible, before making any of their information public.

I hope this helps.
by Kevin Sands G2G6 Mach 3 (32.3k points)
+3 votes
Hello Clare

There is a free genealogy site - quite comprehensive but few images.

When you hit a brick wall - we try to help best we can.  I live in Wales and some of my ancestors - their names are Harris, Gwilliam, Davies - which at times can be difficult to search e.g. Mary Harris among 30,000 same name records.

Depends on which country you live in, in Britain most libraries have the internet and free access to and of course offer other valuable information such as archived town, church/parish records, newspapers, directories etc.
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (66.6k points)

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