Does anyone know of a company who will search for an aunt a fee? Finder monkey want £700!

+6 votes
Does anyone know of a reputable geneaology company who can help trace a relative (perhaps deceased, perhaps fostered).

Finder Monkey want £700 to look for her but that is a lot of money!

Her name on birth certificate is Shirley, birth mother Florence Fearnley (nee Bussey), father George Edward Clements. Shirley was born 11.10.1941 in 10 Sheepscar Grove, Leeds, West Yorkshire.
in Genealogy Help by Stephanie Clements G2G1 (1.1k points)
Sounds like a ripoff. is free.
Did not find Shirley at , but wait for other responses from WikiTree. Chances are that someone will prove to be a good resource for your question.
Thank you Frank Gill. I know my Grandfather Clements history, he was born on 19.3.1893 at 42 Canning street, Leeds, Yorkshire.

He and my Grandmother Florence Fearnley (nee Bussey) had 4 children (incl my Dad). I have found them all except for Shirley.

She may be called Fearnley or Clements as the parents weren't married.

I can't afford £700 for Finder Monkey but could pay the person who finds her for their expenses.
Thank you very much for your interest and time

3 Answers

+1 vote

Agree that you shouldn't shell out money. People will help you for free!

Unusually her birth appears to be registered twice as both Clements and Fearnley (both with a mother's maiden name of Bussey). This may be an artefact of the compilation process though.

Births Dec 1941 (this means Oct-Dec 1941)

Clements Shirley Bussey Leeds

Fearnley Shirley Bussey Leeds

by Matthew Fletcher G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
Thank you Matthew. In those days surnames were not put onto birth certificates so if a child was from a relationship where the parents were not married, they entered it under both surnames as the mother could choose which one she wanted to call the child. Thank you for your interest and time.
+1 vote
This isn't particularly helpful but theres pictures off that address here from the 50s/60s,,,

There is also facebook groups for Leeds you could ask in, someone will probably know something
by A. C. Raper G2G6 Mach 5 (56.1k points)
Thank you, always good to see photos. I have tried on a Leeds facebook page but didn't get a reply. I have also messaged lots of Shirleys in Leeds but no luck. Thank you for taking the time to show the photos.
0 votes
The great majority of Shirley's alive at the time seem to have had a middle initial (usually A). If we assume that your aunt did not have any middle name and look for marriages between the ages of 16-40 we get possible married names of:

HEATH (Southwark, Q4 1957 - unlikely)

MARSHALL (Goole, Q3 1960)

CHANDLER (Barnsley, Q2 1966)

ANDERSON (Barton, Q1 1974)

BOARDMAN (Rochdale, Q2 1977)

*CROOK (Halifax, Q3 1973)

*This is the only Fearnley one, all the others are Clements.

So you could try focusing on those married names but there's no guarantee that she's included.
by Matthew Fletcher G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
I also looked for all deceased Shirleys whose date of birth was recorded and she didn't show up so some circumstantial evidence that she's still alive.
Thank you very much Matthew!

I think Shirley Chandler was born on 1935 (found her on Facebook).

I think Shirley Boardman was 80 when she died this year (online obituary)

I think Shirley Crook was 78 when she died this year

Not sure how to find the others but this narrows it down a bit more, thank you very much Matthew
That would be great if she was. Her brother Brian did not know of her and would be great to unite 2 people in their 70's who have never met!

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