Pre-1500 saves

+9 votes
Asked this a while ago in 'Tree House' ... couple of comments but nothing from anyone that might act on this ... so, I'll move it to 'Tech' ...

With all these pre-1500 requests for help from folks that made a typo in a date ... got me to thinkin' (that's scary right there!!) ... why are non-certified pre-1500 folks even allowed to create a brand new profile that's going to be pre-1500?  Seems a little non-intuitive ...
in WikiTree Tech by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
recategorized by Bob Jewett
I agree,

Perhaps the system should not allow pre-1500 dates to be entered and saved by people without the badge.

Good thinkin' Bob!
The irony is, pre-1500 got started by a complaint about a newbie creating duplicates - but it doesn't prevent that.

Without a badge, you can't open an existing profile in Edit mode, even just to look at it, and you can't go into the merge completion screen.  That might be all.

1 Answer

0 votes
There may be some problems in implementing such a plan.  You'd also have to prevent at least some edits of pre-1500 profiles since otherwise anyone who wanted to could just enter a birthdate after 1500 and then edit it for pre-1500.  And if you have a way to do that, then you have the problem we're presently dealing with solved anyway.  Or am I confused on what happens if someone doesn't have the pre-1500 badge?
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (453k points)
Not sure how the software is organized but, hopefully, there's just one sub-routine that does the save stuff ... so, you'd just need to add the 'error' check to that routine.

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