Looking for the parents of Louisa D. Ward, 1817 - 1896, who was married to John Cottingham Selby

+7 votes

Louisa D. Ward, Married 3 times b.September 20, 1817 in Kentucky USA d. October 4, 1896 in Grundy Missouri ( I have no idea how she got to Missouri)

1850 United States federal census year 1850 census place Town d Shelby Illinois  ancestry.com

  1. Levi Collins 29 November 1868 ( pedigree file familysearch.org)
  2. SD Campbell 16 April 1868  ( pedigree file familysearch.org)
  3. John Cottingham Selby, 5 sons, 1 daughter (lived in Shelby, Illinois)

The only thing I've been able to find is on geni.com and it doesn't list any parents only the marriage to John Cottingham Selby and offsoffspring.

It's a little confusing but the last name is Selby and they lived in Shelby Illinois

WikiTree profile: Louisa Selby
in Genealogy Help by Corinne Kuhlmann G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

I found something that might give a small clue as to why she was in Grundy Co., Missouri.  In The History of Grundy County, Missouri, published in 1880 by Birdsall & Dean has a bio of a Joseph Scott who married Miss Mary E. A. Selby, who was the daughter of the Rev. John C. and Louisa D. Selby.  The bio notes that Mrs. Selby is still living in Grundy county.  


But nothing on Louisa's parentage

by Cathryn Hondros G2G6 Mach 5 (58.7k points)
selected by Corinne Kuhlmann
Thank you, thats great! Now i know a new fact about her and her daughter's marriage, good deal. I will definately make a note.  

Im sure glad these discussions show up on the profille. Makes it handy ^_^
+3 votes

I located the following which might help you.

"United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M6XQ-3ZF : accessed 11 June 2016), Louisa Collins in household of Levi Collins, Harrison, Grundy, Missouri, United States; citing enumeration district ED 208, sheet 344B, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 0688; FHL microfilm 1,254,688.


"Kentucky Death Records, 1911-1961", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NSQ7-M8L : accessed 11 June 2016), Louisa Carline Selby, 1915.


John Selby, of Maryland, was a Methodist preacher. He married Rebecca Jones, and settled in Bourbon county, Kentucky, in 1806. In 1824 he removed to Callaway county, Missouri, where his wife died in1828. Their children were Isaiah, Jesse J., Assentith, William J., Anna, John M., James H., Louis V., Eliza, Lucinda and Henry B. Isaiah married Sallie Bass, and settled in Callaway county in 1824. Jesse J. married Elizabeth Hereford. Assentith married Henry Swift, who settled in Boone county in 1823. William J. married Julia A. Turley. Ann married her cousin, Joseph Selby, who settled in Callaway county in 1824. John M. married Emily Dazey. James H. married Louisa Dazey, and Louis V. married Milley Dazey. Eliza married Hawley Hereford. Lucinda married Samuel Hardin, who settled in Boone county. Henry B. married Mary Steele.

The above found at:


Hope some of this helps.....



by Gigi Tanksley G2G6 Mach 4 (46.2k points)
Thank you, the first part, about Levi Collins does, the rest, not so much. I thank you for your effort!

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