Trotter-898 battle of Adams Run in Charleston, South Carolina and Killed ? Need information added Please

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WikiTree profile: Henry Trotter
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (313k points)
recategorized by Keith Hathaway

2 Answers

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Best answer

As far as I can tell, there was no "Battle of Adams Run," although there were a couple of battles, Pocotaligo and Johns Island, in the area.  However, Henry did not die in battle.

The file for payment of funds owing to his widow, Susan, contains the following:

Page 15
"Died of typhoid fever at the hospital at Adams Run, South Carolina on "7 June 1862.""

Page 16 (Front)
Treasury Office, 2nd Auditor's Office,
March 26th 1864
The Adjutant and Inspector General, C.S.,
Please report me the term of enlistment and the service and death, &c., of Henry Trottle last of Captain Sharpes Company 1st Regiment S.C. Cavalry.  Alleged, died 7th June 1862.

(signed)* Calvert, Ch. Div Deceased Soldiers."

In different handwriting:

"Enlisted Decr. 4th 1861 for the War
Died June the 2, 1862"

Back (Page 17)
"2nd Auditor's Office, Dec. 15th, 64

Henry Trotter Private Co F (Capt Sharp's) 1st S.C. Cavalry Regt.

Enlisted 4th Dec 1861 for War.

Last Paid 30th Apl. 1862. Commutation & Bounty still due, none having been paid on the Rolls in this Office. Died June 2, 1862."("South Carolina Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 June 2016), Henry Trotter, 1862; from "Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of South Carolina," database, ( : n.d.); citing military unit First Cavalry, NARA microfilm publication M267 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1959), roll 7.)

by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (374k points)
selected by Keith Hathaway
How do y'all add military information to ID'S, with out manually doing it , I have had others add it and it looks so much nicer then just adding what you find out down.  It's hard for me to explain but what I mean is just adding the site when you find information,  I'm sorry I can't explain it any better, Thanks
Donnie, I'll add the info I found for you and also set up the Civil War taplate for you.  Then you will see how it is done.
Thank's have a Great Night.
0 votes
Just sent photo of CMSR from of you soldier. He was at Adam's Run in South Carolina.  His widow was Susan.
by Kathryn Spencer G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
Thank you and if you know the picture is him you can add it to the profile..
I think I did that right.  I put a copy of a fold3 Compiled Military Service Record on Henry Trotter's profile.  

Kathryn Miller Coughlin
Does anyone know the names and birth or death of Henry's children I question the one named Elizabeth I believe from talks with other family that Elizabeth Trotter maybe his brother Williams daughter. Thanks for any help
Henry Trotter most definitely died of typhoid fever at a hospital at Adams Run, South Carolina.  Adams Run is likely a small town close by.  A Certified document in the State of South Carolina, Pickens Dictrict is on, showing his widow to be Susan.

The Certificate of Death of son Robert Griffin Trotter, Pickens County, on lists Susan Hendricks as mother’s maiden name.
What else you have on Robert Griffin Trotter

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