How are profiles chosen for db_error?

+14 votes
Have used db_error with great success. Bravo to designer. My question is how are the profiles to be included chosen? I thought they would only be direct ancestors to the profile where you run it? Or that it could be the watchlist? But in my list of errors (asked for 15 generations) I get profiles that are not mine, nor my direct ancestors, but perhaps related in obscure ways. What is going on?
in WikiTree Tech by Gunnar Fernqvist G2G6 (6.9k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry
I agree. It is actually quite frustrating to just get the same list over and over.

In addition, I've made a number of corrections. When will they be removed as errors?

Nor does it appear to find unsourced profiles. Is it supposed to? I know I've got several and it would be nice to have a quick way to find them.
The unsourced profile functionality is already built into WikiTree and I believe was recently added to the drop bars at the top right hand corner of the screen. Otherwise, you can find all tagged unsourced profiles in your watchlist; there will be an option to click on which filters to them that will be labeled "Unsourced".

The db_error project samples almost ALL unprotected and non-private profiles at least.

Corrections should cause errors to disappear when the error database is updated each monday.
Thank you. Now found unsourced tab. So much has changed during my long absence

1 Answer

+4 votes
Looks like the profiles in the Error reprt are not chosen by blood relations only - rather by the Global connectedness, which includes connectedness by marriage and goes back and forth between generations. Fifteen generations seems a bit much to include. If I use the Error report link in the dropdown menu I seem to get 8 generations, which seems reasonable as a default. Can be done from a few strategically chosen profiles to cover a tree.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (603k points)
There were qite a few questions about connection by marriage. I am thinking of adding an option to show only blood relatives. But since searching goes up and down the tree, there wouldnt be much difference. If spouses have children spouses familly is included. Only it would be included 1 generation later.
The other posibility would be to include only ancestors and descendants.
Could keep the current functionality and add those as options.

Genetic Ancestors Only.

Genetic Descendants Only.

Genetic Relatives Only.

The advantage of not crossing marriages is that you would be limited to only the immediate family of the married partner. In the cases where there aren't children, it wouldn't include the married partner's extended family or ancestors and descendants (assuming the descendants are through another genetic relation.)

Aleš Trtnik I think its great as it is is and this gives us a feeling that we have one world wide family tree... 

On the WishList maybe add a link Special:Connection link or something that makes it more obvious how we connect.....and why this person was added to the report....älgö-1

Problem is that the Connection Finder has limitations in number of steps

or a graphic UI ;-)


One cool toolkit for navigating FTDNA results is used on the DNA Match circle at  eng

I think that would certainly be a good solution: ancestors, descendants or 'as is' options.

I added Limit to blood relatives: CheckBox on

That means that relatives are limited to blood relatives. That means All Ancestors of start profile and all their descendants.

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