Guess I shouldn't bother then. When I tried to copy and paste it would not allow me to do so and have the correct characters be copied. As follows:
"THE ABERNATHY FAMILY The Ab~rnathys were not among th~ pioneers of Collin County bur
they estab,hshed one of the most promment and most highly respected law firms m North Texas. In 1876 tWO brothers, William M. and Mercer Green Abernathy, came to McKinney from northern Mississippi and forlJl~d the law firm of Ab~rnathy Brothers _ a firm which has been carried on by them and their descendants to the present, eighty
years.l~ter. , \VJ1ha~ M. Abernathy, oldest so~ of DaVId and Frances Abernathy,
\~as born, I~ ~ha~l?tte, Nor~h Car~lma, and moved with his parents to Early, MIS~ISSIPPI~ I~l 1813: 1 here his parents reared a family of six boys a~~ ~.o ~lrI.S. WIlham .JOIned the Confederate Army at Holly Spring~, Mississippi, m 1861: Ills company was part of the Seventeenth Regin~e?r, Barksdale Brigade, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Vir-wm.a. He was wounded at G.t:ttysburg and during the last part of the CIVil War he served as a coufl~r for General Robert E. Lee. He carried what was probably the last dispatch that passed between General Lee and General U. S. Grant concerning details of the surrender of the
Confederate A~y",After th.e ~I~se .of the war, he walked home and entered the University of ~IISSISSIPPI, from which institution he graduared on June 2?, 18.68. 1 hree years later he won his law degree at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Ten?essee. In 1873 William M, Aberna.thy and Lucy. l~o~er~s were marned and he began the practice of law In Ashland, MISSISSippi. .
J\lerc~r Green Ahernathy was, born m Marshal~ County, Mississippi, on ~pnl 20, 1853, He was adn~ltted to the ~)~r m that state in 1876. Durm,g the same year he and Ius brother William came to Texas and establ.lshed t~e Abern~thy Brothers law firm in McKinney, This partnership co~tlnued until Mercer was elected county judge in 188R, After ten years m that office J\lercer formed a law partnership with T, F."
Which is why I posted what I did. As you can see, is isn't all readable.