Help with Italian Translation (not google translate) [closed]

+10 votes

having a hard time with this one document link below. This is a sister to my great great grandfather. I am getting confused with the portion "il quale alla preferenza..." what is this part talking about? I assume she is married with a husband but I cannot find the keywords to pull it out.  This one is longer than most.


"Italia, Sondrio, Sondrio, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1929," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Sondrio > Chiavenna > Morti 1866-1910 > image 363 of 1829; Tribunale di Sondrio (Sondrio Court, Sondrio).

WikiTree profile: Margherita Martinucci
closed with the note: Answered
in Genealogy Help by Lance Martin G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
closed by Lance Martin
Maybe I'm blind, but I'm seeing "il quale alla preferenza" in record 117, which is for Margherita Bertolini. Record 118 is Margherita Martinucci, and I'm not seeing that line there. Again, there's a good chance I'm missing it completely in record 118.

Edit: I am blind. I see it now.

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
I believe that's not an "f" in preferenza, but a long 's'. Presenza. I believe it says that she died in the presence of Giacomo Buzzi, son of the deceased Francesco Buzzi, age 56, and Francesco Personico, son of the deceased Tomaso Personico, age 46.

These two (Giacomo Buzzi and Francesco Personico) both provide testimony at the end of the record.

But I saw no mention of marriage or spouses in the record. Take that with a grain of salt as I've already established I'm blind.
by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
selected by Lance Martin
And I think you get the best translation. I couldn't figure it out, but I thought it meant something like what you have just suggested. Thank you very much.
You're quite welcome! Gotta watch out for those pesky long s's in the old Italian documents looking like f's. If you notice, Francesco looks like "Francefco" which clearly wasn't his name. Evil, evil long s's...
That makes sense to me too.  Sorry I wasn't better help this time.  I'll work on deciphering the handwriting with a few century old handwritten letters I found that my great-grandmother, grandmother and then mother hung onto.  Virtually impossible for me to figure out.
+1 vote
if she prefers
by Living Troy G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
what does that mean in context?
+3 votes
My Italian isn't the greatest but here is my take for what it is worth:

born and resident in this “comune” the preferred one of [name] “fu” [name] of 56 years [of age]

Literally “il quale alla preferenza di” means “the which to the preference of.”  Here I’m not sure what “fu” means; it seems in context that the person who at that time was “Gioccamo” had previously been “Francesco.”  (I’m not real confident on my deciphering of the handwriting.)  “Fu” can also mean the person is deceased.  It is the remote past tense of the verb “to be.”
by Dennis Ferrara G2G Rookie (290 points)
I do believe you're looking at record 117 instead of 118.

Edit: I'm blind ignore me.
Thanks Dennis, but who is it talking about? I know her father and mothers names, maybe she was married a couple of times? I see a few names after the preferred part, but not sure if they are husbands or more officials or witnesses adding their names to the record.
You're right.  I had the imagine blown up to max on my screen and was moving it around to try to decipher the handwriting.  I moved to the wrong record.  Thanks for catching and letting me know.

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