Need of some assistance

+9 votes
This is my 2nd great grandmother. She's a brick wall. Everything I know about her is in the bio. Family Search has taken me as far as i can with her, and I am just to cheap to shell out the money for an ancestry world pass. Can anyone with access to records in Canada lend a hand?

He name as I know is Agnes Mary and could be Mary Agnes, as each census seems to flip flop it. I have also seen the last name as possibly Lechene, but that's doubtful.
WikiTree profile: Mary Lauzau
in Genealogy Help by Jim Tareco G2G6 Mach 3 (37.9k points)
edited by Living Sälgö
Have you checked for free Canada sites? Used the Canadian Google to see what's there?
Check there regularly, no luck. Thanks!

3 Answers

+3 votes
Hi Jim

I've had a look on Ancestry - didn't have any luck.  Rosemary Jones did the right thing - directed you to
by Living Bowling G2G6 Mach 6 (66.5k points)
Thanks for looking. I go through the cyndislist regularly, no luck.
+3 votes
Here is the FamilySearch page for Canada. Have you looked at the unindexed collections that are at the bottom of the page?

Also, check the Wiki, as well as the catalogue for film and books. (you probably know all this anyway).
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (271k points)
I've been all through those, did find the baptism records for most of the children in a parish record. The marriage records start a few years after they were married, but nothing else. I appreciate the effort! Thanks!
When folks say they have looked everywhere it is really hard to tell whether they have looked EVERYWHERE. So, I mention the obvious.
+4 votes
OK, here are my two cents, for what they are worth...

The most obvious place to look for parents' names is on the marriage record...but Catholic records in Niagara weren't recorded until after Agnes' marriage.

The next place to look would be her death record; I don't know if this would be available from New York??

Sometimes an obituary can be helpful, but if the one you posted from the Gazette is the only one available, then it is not terribly helpful; neither her parents or any siblings were listed.

I tried looking around in the 1851 Census but was unable to find anyone who looked like they could be a Mary or Agnes Lechien.

On a side note, with regards to her birthplace, I think instead of NetherLy, you want to put NetherBy, which was a small community in Bertie Township, Welland County (currently Niagara Region). It can be found on Google maps here >,+ON,+Canada/@42.9623605,-79.0711146,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d338a64883312f:0xdeae68da31e7f544

I think your difficulties are two-fold; one, you are working in an era of very poor or non-existant records (1850's Ontario) and also you are working on a French family, which tend to have far more spelling variations...Lechien could possible be Lachaine or Lachene? I'm sorry, my French experience is minimal!
by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
Sorry for the delay in answering. You are absolutely correct. It seems she is in a records black hole. I have the baptism records for all of her children. Her last name has almost as many spellings as she had children. US census records has her name as Mary Agnes and then Agnes Mary. The baptism records have Mary Ann.  I might has found a sister named Madaline LeChine, she is listed in the 1861 census, but I don't have acess to see the actual sheet. . As to her actual obit, the year 1914 for that newspaper is not on fulton, and you're right it is Netherby, not Netherly, as they were all (at that time) from the Welland area.
Hi Jim!

Well... Madeline isn't going to be much help I don't think!

I've looked at the 1861 Census. Here is the household:

E.C. Zimmerman, born Lower Canada (ie Quebec), age 27, widow; with her sons John, 12, and Richard, 10, both born Upper Canada (Ontario). Also a Miss S. Dunne, b Lower Canada (marked as family, possibly E.C.'s sister), and C. Dunne, 48 (single, poss a brother?). In addition to the family, you have Mrs. Gillmore, married (husband not listed); Margaret Hennessey, servant, born Ireland; then Madeline Lachine, 18, born U. Canada.

Any other leads??
No other leads as of yet, thank you so much for looking that up! This one will take some time, but that's ok.

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