Anyone connected to Geoffrey Chaucer, the famous medieval English poet?

+11 votes
He is not so difficult to connect to, if my lines are anything to go by. His sister in law was Katherine Swynford, who married Prince John of Gaunt (third son to Edward III) and had four children by him. Though they were banned from inheriting the throne (due to being born before their parents' marriage), the Beauforts are very influential and the ancestors of many British. I am descended on several lines from Joan Beaufort.

However, Chaucer had a son Thomas who rose up  to be Speaker of the House of Commons and married well, to Matilda/Maud Burghersh. His descendants should be easy to trace. I THINK I have seen this marriage somewhere on my tree, but I shall have to check again.
WikiTree profile: Geoffrey Chaucer
in The Tree House by Susan Scarcella G2G6 Mach 8 (82.8k points)
Apparently, I am related to him. I will write the information down and share it with you.

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
He is supposed to be my 19th great-grandfather.
by Jody Rodgers G2G6 Mach 6 (60.3k points)
selected by Susan Scarcella
He could very well be. He is a great example of someone whose family climbed the ranks of English society very quickly. His father was a merchant (originally the family would have been hose (stockings) makers but they had already changed trades). Chaucer got into the civil service and was noticed for his skills. He was sent to France as a 'spy' for the English king, and ended up back home working for Edward III . Queen Philippa arranged a marriage with one of her wards, Philippa de Roet. The Chaucer's only son, Thomas, did even better in life and the family ended up as nobility. No doubt there was some influence from Philippa's sister, Katherine, who was mistress and then wife to Prince John of Gaunt and stepmother to Henry IV, but Chaucer was largely a self-made man. And a brilliant poet.
I was thrilled to find I'm 21 degrees away... not a blood relative, but still fun :D
Good morning, cousin. I say that because I am a distant relative of his,apparently.
Great to meet  more cousins.
+1 vote
G. Chaucer was my 17th great grandfather's second wife's grandfather.
by Frances Piercy-Reins G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
+1 vote
Chaucer's son's wife, Maud, was my first cousins 17 times removed.
by Janet Gunn G2G6 Pilot (179k points)

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