Wow! I just discovered CATEGORIES, and I AM THRILLED!
In the process of "drilling down" to find a category for passengers on the Samuel M Fox bound for New York in 1852, I passed through the list of sub-categories for "Category: German Immigrants to America". There's been some attempt to alphabetize the list, but the alphabetizing is inconsistent.
For example, the category 'German Immigrants to Montana' is listed under "M", and category 'German... to Pennsylvania' is under "P", but 'German... to California' is under "G".
Since most categories on that page have labels beginning with "German...", it is no help if they are alphabetized under "G". I'd like to see them alphabetized according to the US State, just as Montana and Pennsylvania are done.
I''ve just now successfully added link piping in some of those categories, with and without underscores. So on the Ohio category, I added "|Ohio" to make [[Category:German_Immigrants_to_America|Ohio]] and in the Nebraska category I added "|Nebraska" to make [[Category: German Immigrants to America|Nebraska]], and now both categories are alphabetized by state.
And piping even works if there's a space after the colon, as in
[[Category: German_Immigrants_to_America|Massachusetts]]