Is there a simplified way to understand the number of degrees we are from well known people?

+8 votes

​I often see that my family members may be a certain number of degrees from a well-known person, yet I don't understand how it all works. It seems complicated. Any way to understand what it all means? Thanks.

in Genealogy Help by Patricia Seiler G2G3 (3.0k points)
The "alternative view: generational path" gives a much clearer picture.

However, it's very dependent on which lines happen to have been put on WikiTree.
The "Connection Finder" is for fun, there is no Genealogical value to it.

The"Relationship Finder" will find (if they exist) actual Genealogical relationships, cousins, etc.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Among the steps/degrees that the Connection Finder considers are spouses.

Therefore, the number of degrees is not a genealogical cousin calculator. The Connection Finder will work for any two people on WikiTree, but it will only find the connection if they're within 10 degrees of each other. example: me> 1 - my spouse> 2 - his sister> 3 - her mother-in-law would make me 3 degrees from her mother-in-law even though we are not ancestors.

To search for common ancestors between two or more people and name their relationship, see WikiTree's Relationship Finder.

by Kelly Metzler G2G6 Mach 2 (27.8k points)

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