D. Richardson sources for adding husband to Margery Welles

+4 votes

Richardson sources supporting John de Huntingfield as (1st) husband of Margery Welles-256, (1350-1422).

* '''ROYAL ANCESTRY by Douglas Richardson Vol. V page 331'''

MARGERY WELLES, married (1st) JOHN DE HUNTINGFIELD [see SROPE 10]; (2nd) STEPHEN LE SCROPE, Knt., 2nd Lord Scrope of Masham [see SCROPE 10]. 

* '''ROYAL ANCESTRY by Douglas Richardson Vol. IV page 604'''

STEPHEN LE SCROPE, Knt., 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir, born about 1341/51. He served as an Esquire in the army before Paris in April 1360. He joined the crusading army raised by Peter de Lusignan, King of Cyprus, and was knighted by him on the taking of Alexandria in October 1365. He was present at the battle of Najara in 1376. He married before 15 Dec. 1376 MARGERY WELLES, widow of John de Huntingfield (died before 1374), of Toft, Bicker, and Frampton, Lincolnshire [see HUNTINGFIELD 9.i.a.1 for his parentage], and daughter of John de Welles (or Welle), Knt., 4th Lord Welles, by Maud, daughter, William de Roos, Knt., 2nd Lord Roos of Helmsley [see WELLES 10 for her ancestry]. They had five sons, Henry, Geoffrey, Stephen, John, and William, and one daughter, Maud. Margery, Lady Scrope, died 29 May 1422.

* '''ROYAL ANCESTRY by Douglas Richardson Vol. III page 382'''

WILLIAM DE HUNTINGIELD, Knt., son and heir, born at Toft next Freston, Lincolnshire and baptized in the church there 8 Jan. 1329/30. He married ELIZABETH DE WILLOUGHBY. They had one son, John [see SCROPE 10].

Someone that has the right, please help with this, what looks like would be a new person add (John de Huntingfield).

 Thank you! :-)

WikiTree profile: Margery Scrope
in Genealogy Help by Bettye Carroll G2G6 Mach 5 (55.8k points)

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Thank you, the profile is updated.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Bettye Carroll

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