Who goes on the Free Space Pages of Roll of Honor and WIA? [closed]

+7 votes

Greetings and Salutations:

Actually I have a few questions and comments in addition to the question posted but I will start with the question asked. I am currently working on Military Service Members that were born in and/or enlisted in my home "country" of the Great State of Texas. In reviewing the various Free Space Pages it seems that there is a lot of duplication between the following Free Space Pages and some conflicting information. For example, on the Roll of Honor Free Space Page, the following is stated:

"The only profiles that should be added to this are the Recipients that received the highest military honor for their Country."


However, there are a whole lot of Wiki Tree Profiles of people who did not earn their country's highest military awards on the Roll of Honor Free Space Page (Examples: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Aaron-211). 







In addition, some Profiles are listed on the Roll of Honor Free Space Page, as well as, on the Wounded In Action Free Space (example: [[Arbuthnot-130]] and/or Medal of Honor Free Space. It seems to me that if a person was Wounded In Action then that person should be listed on the Wounded In Action Free Space unless the person earned their country's highest military awards (for example: [[Murphy-4027|Audie Murphy]] - should only be listed on the Medal of Honor Free Space Page even though he was WIA he should only be listed on the MOH Free Space). The only profiles that should be listed on the Roll of Honor Free Space are those that have earned (United States of America) Service Cross Medals, Distinguished Service Medals, Silver Star Medals, Medals for non-combat heroism (victims of Fort Hood Shootings, Naval Yard shootings, training accidents/disasters), and/or Bronze Star Medal. 

Is the above correct?

Part 2:

Where are the Military Awards for Spain and Mexico? I know of at least 2 foreign-born (who became Naturalized citizens of the U.S.A.) MOH recipients who also received one of their birth country's top military award (Condecoración al Mérito Militar). (I already added the Category as it is listed above - see: Category: Mexico.) 





closed with the note: This issue has been resolved and action will be implemented to address duplication of data on main free page.
in The Tree House by Living Guerra G2G3 (3.9k points)
closed by Terri Rick
i was in the process of adding military decorations when we were told to stop for guidance/concensus of the categorization project.  headache of doing these includes how they should be added, i.e. the native language tree, using the native language but in the english tree, both, etc...  in your case, you added the decoration category using the spanish spelling, but linked it to the english tree category Mexico and not the native language tree México

in theory, i was doing them as:

Category: Military Decorations

Category: Military Decorations, <country>

Category: <name of decoration> (<country - required if name used by another country, can be added to avoid future ambiguity>)


an issue we have doing the multiple tree/language route is you add a person to a single category, so if there are multiple language pages, to see everyone who has that decoration, you need to look at every language page.  for most of them, only people in that country recieve it, but others, like the Croix de guerre (both france and belgium) were awarded to people from other countries/languages that fought on their side, i.e. ww i and ww ii allied nation forces...


for the Roll of Honor issue, there are several of them.  A generic Roll of Honor that lists all of them together, then one for each of the country high awards, KIA, MIA, WIA and POW.  the roll of honor pages are distinct from the category listings.  at some point, we hope to determine a way to link them together, but the way they are maintained at this time does not allow a single profile template entry to add the information to both the category and the roll of honor page table.

I linked it to the English tree because I don't know how to add the accent marks using the key board (I'm going to add it to the  México page today. I listed the decoration in spanish because that is it how it is listed on all the "documentation" of those two individuals. 

So, if the person did not earn one of the top three decorations then they should not be listed on the Roll of Honor? 



I had a look at the Roll of Honor page and changed the wording to let members know what profiles to add to the page. I should of done that when the page was added. http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:WikiTree_Profiles_Roll_of_Honor

We will be implementing another phase to our project.  This posting has just moved the timeframe up.That implementation will solve this contentious issue and hopefully remove this project out of the firing line.

Thanks for your continued interest.
Thank you. I am asking because I am adding a whole bunch of soldiers (starting with MOH recipients and Buffalo Soldiers (starting a Free Space page for the Buffalo Soldiers since no one has done it (if they have I have not been able to find the category/project/free space page)). Anyway, I just added a table for Medal of Honor Recipients that were either born in or enlisted in Texas to the Medal of Honor Free Space Page. Most of the soldiers are not on Wiki Tree.
The Roll of Honor Project is unique on that it is NOT broken out by location. The Roll of Honor Project is designed thst way.
I do believe that the medal of honor free space page should be added to by state/territory since the MOH is a decoration for the United States. The reason I believe that the MOH Free Space should be done by state/territory is so contributors will know which MOH recipients need to be added and also to try and circumvent duplication. Now, when I go to add these Gentlemen to the Roll of Honor Free Space - their entries will be incorporated into the existing table because the Roll of Honor only uses the Country identification (how else can people verify whether the profiles should be listed or not. BTW - I have created profiles for all of the MOH Texas recipients from the Indian Wars through World War II and updated that table to reflect the changes.
Thanks fot your input... This is where the category structure becomes an essential resource as the recipients are added to their respective states.  This allows the Roll of Honor to maintain the original intent... all countries represented and not broken out by location.

2 Answers

+7 votes
They should be referred to as Military Decorations not awards... We tried to caprure all of them.. please contact Terry Wright to collaborate on adding additional military decorations.

We will look into the other issues.
by Terri Rick G2G6 Mach 4 (44.8k points)
+6 votes

Congressional Medal Of Honor / Medal Of Honor / MOH for short... Is The United States highest Award, & deserve a free-space page that stands alone even if the recipient has Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart or any other medal / award !

Joe Ronnie Hooper has 16 other than MOH Awards / Medals & even if he shows up as duplicated elsewhere IMHO MOH Free-Space Page should stand alone! : http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hooper-3173 , William W Halstead Sr. (my 3rd Gr. Gf.): http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Halstead-463 , James P Miller : http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Miller-34694 . 

While Bernard Elton Duesler (my 4th cousin 3xr) was KIA & worthy of his due...it is not the same status as the previous 3 people. : http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Duesler-59 . Even if I have a special place in my heart for fellow Submarriners (pronounced Sub-Mar-I-Ners, almost like Nerds / Nubs lol).

 If a person did not receive a: "Medal Of Honor", they should not appear on the Medal Of Honor page & should be removed ASAP.

Roll Of Honor page is different than Medal Of Honor page, (MOH is a sub-topic of Roll Of Honor) or it should be. Most countries have a "Highest Award" like the "VC" & "Legion d' honneur" :)

The official: Congressional Medal Of Honor Society & Home of the Heroes do not allow links to their sites, however you may Cut, Copy & Paste to any browser (google) to see the listings. Enjoy :) JPVIV

by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
edited by Anonymous Vickery
The issue is not with profiles on the Medal of Honor Free Space Page. The issue is with the Roll of Honor Free Space. There are a lot of Profiles that should not be there according to the info listed on the free space page because the person did not earn one (or more) of his/her country's decorations. I only added the one category and I believe the "parent" category is either (or both) Mexico and/or Mexico Military.
The Roll of Honor main page is to add all profiles who received the highest medal for their country, and those that were KIA, MIA, WIA and POWs this is our main page to add all the profiles that are on our various pages. We will have a look at the wording on the page, but this is why the page was first set up to add all the profiles on Wikitree that belong on the Roll of Honor. So if we add a profile to the KIA free space page or any of our other free space page we also add that profile to the Roll of Honor page.
We will be making necessary changes soon.

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