Is there a Category for Valley Forge and the roster of soldiers who spent time there?

+17 votes
One of our awesome 1776 volunteers wants to work on the profiles of the soldiers who spent time at Valley Forge.  She has a roster to work with but wants to put them in a Category.  

How should we structure this Category and what should we call it?
in The Tree House by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (544k points)
edited by Michael Stills
This is a great topic and thank  you for bringing this up. My 5th great grandfather served in the Pennsylvania regiment at Valley Forge. This category is something very useful to my family tree on WikiTree.
There should be.  Those who were at Valley Forge stuck it out when the Revolution was at its low point.  They deserve special recognition.
I checked and my Patriot is not listed either. My patriot has already been verified by the Valley Forge Society and I am a member. How do I add my soldier?

Diane Kepus

Hi Diane, this is an old thread.  You may wish to contact the appropriate Category Project leaders for verification but I found this one.

4 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Since this was a Continental Army Military Camp... logic would have in fall under a Category named... "Continental Army Military Camps"... but Keith McDonald is the person to collaborate with.
by Terri Rick G2G6 Mach 4 (44.8k points)
selected by Living Vincent
+14 votes

as noted, Category:Valley Forge is marked as mis-named, most likely because it is too vague, and  the Category:Valley Forge, Pennsylvania may be the one that was intended to replace it as it adds the state to further identify it.  While most of us think of Valley Forge as the Rev War camp for the Continental Army, it took the name of the nearby, and still in existence, town of Valley Forge, so using that category could lead to confusion if someone starts adding present day info about the town, park, etc to it.

We have Category: US Forts, Camps and Bases which is used to identify mostly existing sites, but some are there that are no longer in use as well, but usually in use for an entire war/longer period of time

Since Valley Forge was essentially winter quarters and used for just that winter 1777 period, it does make more sense to keep it under the war specific context and not in the overall US Forts, Camps and Bases. To me it would fall under

Category: American Revolution

Category: Continental Army

Category: Continental Army Military Camps

Category: Valley Forge, Winter Encampment

if this looks good to everyone, I can send it over to categorization team to make sure the format is acceptable to them.

by Keith McDonald G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Thank you Keith. I added this to my 5th great grandfather's profile. I will check back when the Category is approved and added.
Any current status on a category for Valley Forge veterans?
+9 votes
There is a Society for Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge.  I used to be a member.  I am not plugging it.  I know there is a place on wikitree for organizations such as this.  As I recall, they do not have a publication which gives all the names of all the soldiers who served in all the companies there in Valley Forge in 1777.  They may now, but didn't see it referenced on their webpage.  I think it is more likely that such a resource would be at the Valley Forge National Park.
by Carolyn Adams G2G6 Mach 9 (96.1k points)
+3 votes
Glad I found this. My 5th great-grandfather also was with Washington at Valley Forge. This is an excellent offering. Also, is there a WWI listing like this. I just found a National group that covers WWI and found it by accident. My Patriot was never honored by DAR because of the miss-spelling of his last name HAGAR is correct.

Thanks for all everyone does.

Diane Kepus
by Diane Kepus G2G6 (8.6k points)

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