Eliphalet Webster married Sally "Euince" Parker in 1804, Francestown, NH. or Society Land as it is referred to. The biographies for sons Samuel and Parker state they were born in Rutland County Vermont. Daughter Nancy was born in Buffalo, N Y. Eliphalet died Feb 1850 in St. Clair, Michigan. He is buried in Rosehill Cemetery, stone says he was 86 naking his brth year 1764. His marriage license gives no parental or other info. There are no death records in Michigan in 1850. Parkers death certificate cannot be located. Samuels has no infornation. Looking for parents of Eliphalet. Wife Sally also a dead end. Not buried in St. Clair. No mention of her on census. Parker and Samuel both active in Congregational Church of St. Clair were sent with a letter of transfer, no location mentioned.