Looking for family members of Nancy Dolan, 1852-1888, married to Robert F. Wall, 1841-1905 and are buried in MI

+6 votes
Great Grandmother is Nancy Dolan, parents immigrated from Ireland.  Born in 1852 and died in 1888.  Married Robert F Wall, from New Brunswick, Canada.  Resided in Menominee, MI / Marinette, WI.  He was a blacksmith.  They had two daughters, Bernadette (Foley) and Margaret Mary (Wood).  I am trying to find out any information on my great grandmotherso family, as I would love to trace back our Irish roots.  Thank you.
in The Tree House by Mary Ellen Wright G2G Crew (310 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

Robert Carter Wall findagrave.com #19073461 Link http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=19073461 , Birth: 1823Death: 1905image
Family links: 
  Alpha E Wall*
*Calculated relationship
Lexington Municipal Cemetery 
Sanilac County
Michigan, USA 
Maintained by: LMC Earth Angels
Originally Created by: Rebecca King
Record added: Apr 24, 2007 
Find A Grave Memorial# 19073461.

Many times if you can find A Marriage License / Death Certificate it will have both persons Parents names on them. If you start with your known information on your parents... then more light is shined on older generations, I'd start entering any info you have on them :)

Example there are 10 hits Margaret Mary Wood for the USA, If we knew where she lived, who she married, where born, where died, we can narrow the search fields down :)

P.S. normally if she was born Margaret Mary Wall & then married a person named Wood we would write out her name as: Margaret Mary (Wall) Wood or Margaret Mary nee Wall Wood. LNAB = Last name at birth is important as her married name :)

by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (270k points)
edited by Anonymous Vickery

If we share the same common ancestors along with the Dolans then according to my ancestry dna matches I have a Maura King and Caleb King that are distant cousins to me that might be familiar to you. If so I guess we live in a small world after all. 

Frank John Nolan :-)

Virginia Beach, Va

+2 votes

Good morning Mary, I have my dna on ancestry and since Im trying to find more about my 2nd great grand mother Susan (Dolan) Nolan which lived in Blacklion, Cavan, Ireland.  I feel that their definetly has to be a connection with Canada, the u.s., Ireland and maybe even Scotland. I also use GedMatch and my dna kit number is A352115. Anyways my ancestry dna matches has a Katrina Wall and Judy Wright that are apparently distant cousins to me and also in one of my apparent distant cousin's ancestry trees their was a James or John Dolan born around 1850 in Scotland. If you feel theirs a possible connection were we share common ancestors then please get in touch.

         Thank you! :-)

      Frank John Nolan

      Virginia Beach, Va

P.S.: If you truly have a Dolan connection with me then you might be familiar with the surname FitzPatrick and my ancestry dna matches has a Brian FitzPatrick thats a distant cousin to me. My ancestry dna matches also have a Danelle Wood and Carla Wood that are distant cousins to me.

by Frank Nolan G2G Crew (540 points)
edited by Frank Nolan

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