Does anyone have experience going through the membership process of the Baronial Order of Magna Charta?

+6 votes
Does anyone have experience going through the membership process of the Baronial Order of Magna Charta? Is it straightforward from their website or is there things to take note of when applying?
in Genealogy Help by Scot Trodick G2G1 (1.1k points)
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill

No Sir, but I do qualify.      My 23rd gr. Gf :)                                                                                                                  OOPSIE! this is a for FEE site; Kitty's Library page is for free links only. It is an important site: I will try to figure where it belongs.

 I have used all my Messages today & am limited by our SPAM counter/limit IDK what to do w/ this information, any advice is appreciated, TY, JPVIV

In my humble opinion, one of the reasons for joining an organization such as SAR or DAR or in this case National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons or The Baronial Order of Magna Charta (BOMC) is to have your lineage fully tested and registered. I am sure there people that will tell stories about how good research ended up removing a family line they were once proud of.

Our Wikitree Magna Carta project will do such certification for free, in a way... :)
That is very interesting. Where do I begin?
those lineage groups are by invitation only, you have to be proposed by 2 current members personally know to you, the proposal form then goes before  a committee for review and they decide if they wish to extend an invitation to you to apply for membership.  i am speaking about the old world lineage groups like crown of Charlemagne and Baronial Order of the Magna Carta, that is my understanding of  it. someone please correct me if i am wrong.
I am a member of several old-world societies and have proposed several new members. If you are interested in learning about the society reach out to me. Genealogical standards are high.
can you explain what you mean by high? I am potentially the 10th great granddaughter of Anne Lovelace Gorsuch, among other nobles of England.
I believe they only accept people descended from "gateway ancestors" who emigrated to America. Of course, most of those descended from the Magna Carta barons still reside in England, but would presumably not qualify. That would include the royal family, just to point out how rather silly it all looks to the British.
Just like the General Society of Mayflower Descendants you have to prove the line- and it is a time consuming and costly affair assuming you are approved to apply.
Not true. One of our OCC presidents was a German Baron - no gateway ancestor there.
Robert, is there a way to message you on Wikitree?  I was interested in the BOMC. You may get my email as a result of this message.  Thanks!

2 Answers

+3 votes
by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
+2 votes

I am descended from King John which likely rules me out from Baronial Order of Magna Charta. There is every possibility in the future I might find myself qualifying as one of the Barons if Hugh Fitzgeoffrey (le Bigod) is the same as mentioned. However what does one gain by paying $750 it is not official.

The Military Order of the Crusades looks better as I am descended from King Falk 1st. Personally I believe the Crusaders to be scum of the Earth led by a crazy Pope. Genocide never has validity. 

by Anonymous Whiting G2G6 Mach 1 (10.0k points)
edited by Anonymous Whiting
Royals and barons were the same species.  They interbred freely and the hybrids were fully fertile.  It'll be surprising if there's a King John gateway who isn't also a Magna Carta gateway.

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