How are you connected to Anne Frank?

+12 votes

Hi WikiTreers,  

The featured "anchor person" in the global tree this month is Anne Frank.

Thank you to Ellen Smith, Jamie Nelson and the other Connectors for adding her genealogy as part of this month's Connection Combat: Holocaust Heroes - Anne Frank and Sir Nicholas Winton.  

To see how closely you are connected, click to the Connection Finder and select her from the row of anchor people at the bottom.


WikiTree profile: Anne Frank
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

This is exciting, Pierre! I see that Rosette Frank was born in 1875. From that date, I think she could be a grand-daughter of Zacharias Frank (grandfather of Otto Frank). Zacharias is reported to have been a prosperous banker who had 11 children who dispersed through Europe and the United States. Only 4 of those 11 children have profiles in WikiTree, so there are 7 children waiting to be discovered. (Three of the four children we have found were married to people with the surname Loewi, and it is through the Loewi family that Anne is connected to the big tree.) I've listed the names of all of the children on the profile for Zacharias.

I think the published biography of Otto Frank's first cousin Jean-Michel Frank [Jean-Michel Frank: L'étrange luxe du rien (2006); English translation Jean-Michel Frank: the strange and subtle luxury of the Parisian haute-monde in the Art Deco period (2008)] is likely to have more information about some of the other members of the Frank family.

I have to withdraw the claim that Rosette Frank is on the photo that I have.
The lady on the photo is much older than Otto, and Rosette Frank is only 13 years older than Otto. It was said by my wife and her mother and I believed them without questioning or checking. But I was also told that the daughter of Rosette Frank, Sophia Cornelia de Winter, did inherit some money when Otto died in 1980. So there must be a (close) connection.
Hmm... On I find that Sophia Cornelia de Winter was born in Rotterdam. So I think it would be worthwhile to look for evidence of one of the sons of Zacharias Frank settling in Rotterdam.
On my site on MyHeritage I have a Gezinskaart with Rosette Frank a daughter of Wilhelm Frank, b.23-3-1847 in Nijmegen, who would be a son of Moses Izak Frank b. 22-7-1811 in Wildervank.
Moses als has a daughter Rosette, born in 1834, so she is an aunt of Rosette Frank b. 1875.
I doubt whether Zacharias had 11 children. I think he had just 10.
Between the birth dates of Arnold and Emile are only 17 months. In 17 months don't fit 2 babies. Then this Caroline is probably the sam as the one born in 1855.
That list of children may not be in correct sequence. The book showed Leonard and Michael in different order than the information we have here. So we have a list of 11 names and dates for some of the names.
Oh, I see that you added dates from myheritage. Did you see any sources cited there, or is this just somebody's family tree that was copied from somebody else's family tree?

The dates you found for Michael and Leon don't agree with the dates we have on the Wikitree profiles.
I removed the dates again, because there are no sources. But I added some other bio. The book I quote from says that there were 10 children.
46 degrees and no Munsons in the path. Goes through the French Canadian side of my family, then through a large number of lateral relationship steps.
i'm about 44 degrees removed, but proud of the connection, nonetheless. My connection does not go through the Munsons, but rather throughout the Baileys of Rowley, Massachusetts. My beloved paternal grandfather comes through once again!

8 Answers

+5 votes
On my father's line? 57 degrees
On my mother's line? 59 degrees

Regarding the connection through the Munson's?
It runs through Margarethe Maria Charlotte Thannhauser then Larry and then up to his mother and grandmother and then beginning a period of waves (switching between ancestors and descendants)... That is for my father's connection.

Now as for my mother? It climbs up from Larry upto Mary Queen of Scots (via the marriage to James Hepburn) and descends through 4 generations of Stuart heritage
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (256k points)
edited by Richard Shelley
+7 votes
I'm 54 steps from Anne Frank, although it was 56 a few days ago. My #22 step is Larry Munson. So nice to see the connection passing through Kitty and Shipley Munson's family, although sad to see their father has passed away after what looks like a long and rich life.

I'm looking at the links in my connection chain to make sure they all have three or four generations in their tree. Once I've done that, maybe I'll look at the spouses of my connections - adding trees for them might find some shortcuts that will bring us all a little closer together.

I'm going to paste my chain here so I can see how it changes in the coming days as we all review our connections.
by Karen Lowe G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
0. Anne Frank 1. Otto Frank (her father) 2. Michael Frank (his father) 3. Rebekka Frank (his sister) 4. Oscar Loewi (her husband) 5. Valentine Loewi (his brother) 6. Rosalie Loewi (his daughter) 7. J. Clarence Davies (her husband) 8. Myrtilla Davies (his sister) 9. Milton Frankenthal (her husband) 10. Jacob Frankenthal (his father) 11. Helena Frankenthal (his sister) 12. Samuel Kriegsman (her son) 13. Edwin Kriegsman (his son) 14. [private person] (his wife) 15. Rose Eva Spiegelberg (her mother) 16. Flora Langermann (her mother) 17. Wolf (William) Langermann (her father) 18. Salomon Loew Langermann (his brother) 19. Charlotte Langermann (his daughter) 20. Siegfried Thannhauser (her son) 21. Margarethe Maria Charlotte Thannhauser (his daughter) 22. Larry Munson (her husband) 23. Anna Lee (his mother) 24. Maren Jorgendtr (her mother) 25. Carl Jorgensen Wold (her brother) 26. George Alexander Wald (his son) 27. Walter Wald (his son) 28. Gilbert Wald (his son) 29. [private person] (his daughter) 30. Dennis Bartholomew (her husband) 31. [private person] (his mother) 32. Marjorie Martell (her mother) 33. George Martell (her father) 34. Carl Martell (his father) 35. Francois Martell (his father) 36. Francois Martell (his father) 37. Louis Martel (his father) 38. Joseph Martel (his brother) 39. Marie-Françoise Langlois (his wife) 40. Gabriel Langlois (her father) 41. Prisque Langlois (his brother) 42. Marie-Josephe Allaire (his wife) 43. Thérèse Dallaire (her sister) 44. Thérèse Talbot (her daughter) 45. Ignace St. Pierre (her husband) 46. Nicholas Baillargeon (his brother) 47. Barbe Baillargeon (his daughter) 48. Julie Lacoste (her daughter) 49. Barbara Tougas (her daughter) 50. Emily Burdalow (her daughter) 51. Mabel Kimmel (her daughter) 52. Norris Groomer (her son) 53. Carolyn Groomer (his daughter) 54. Karen Lowe (her daughter)

I added some ancestors in Quebec and got one link closer:

0. Anne Frank 1. Otto Frank (her father) 2. Michael Frank (his father) 3. Rebekka Frank (his sister) 4. Oscar Loewi (her husband) 5. Valentine Loewi (his brother) 6. Rosalie Loewi (his daughter) 7. J. Clarence Davies (her husband) 8. Myrtilla Davies (his sister) 9. Milton Frankenthal (her husband) 10. Jacob Frankenthal (his father) 11. Helena Frankenthal (his sister) 12. Samuel Kriegsman (her son) 13. Edwin Kriegsman (his son) 14. [private person] (his wife) 15. Rose Eva Spiegelberg (her mother) 16. Flora Langermann (her mother) 17. Wolf (William) Langermann (her father) 18. Salomon Loew Langermann (his brother) 19. Charlotte Langermann (his daughter) 20. Siegfried Thannhauser (her son) 21. Margarethe Maria Charlotte Thannhauser (his daughter) 22. Larry Munson (her husband) 23. Anna Lee (his mother) 24. Maren Jorgendtr (her mother) 25. Carl Jorgensen Wold (her brother) 26. George Alexander Wald (his son) 27. Walter Wald (his son) 28. Gilbert Wald (his son) 29. [private person] (his daughter) 30. Dennis Bartholomew (her husband) 31. [private person] (his mother) 32. Marjorie Martell (her mother) 33. George Martell (her father) 34. Carl Martell (his father) 35. Francois Martell (his father) 36. Madeleine Niquet (his mother) 37. Marie Anne Grenier (her mother) 38. Josephte Houde (her mother) 39. Marie-Agnès Lemay (her mother) 40. Louis Lemay (her brother) 41. Isabelle-Elisabeth Thiffault (his wife) 42. Joseph Thiffault (her brother) 43. Marie Josephe Thiffault (his daughter) 44. Michel Bordeleau (her husband) 45. Antoine Bordeleau (his brother) 46. Pierre Bordeleau (his son) 47. Pierre Bordeleau (his son) 48. Mitch Bordeleau (his son) 49. Emily Burdalow (her daughter) 50. Mabel Kimmel (her daughter) 51. Norris Groomer (her son) 52. Carolyn Groomer (his daughter) 53. Karen Lowe (her daughter)

More work with French Canadian folks in Michigan and Québec got me one step closer, now through Mom's mom instead of Mom's dad:

0. Anne Frank 1. Otto Frank (her father) 2. Michael Frank (his father) 3. Rebekka Frank (his sister) 4. Oscar Loewi (her husband) 5. Valentine Loewi (his brother) 6. Rosalie Loewi (his daughter) 7. J. Clarence Davies (her husband) 8. Myrtilla Davies (his sister) 9. Milton Frankenthal (her husband) 10. Jacob Frankenthal (his father) 11. Helena Frankenthal (his sister) 12. Samuel Kriegsman (her son) 13. Edwin Kriegsman (his son) 14. [private person] (his wife) 15. Rose Eva Spiegelberg (her mother) 16. Flora Langermann (her mother) 17. Wolf (William) Langermann (her father) 18. Salomon Loew Langermann (his brother) 19. Charlotte Langermann (his daughter) 20. Siegfried Thannhauser (her son) 21. Margarethe Maria Charlotte Thannhauser (his daughter) 22. Larry Munson (her husband) 23. Anna Lee (his mother) 24. Maren Jorgendtr (her mother) 25. Carl Jorgensen Wold (her brother) 26. George Alexander Wald (his son) 27. Walter Wald (his son) 28. Gilbert Wald (his son) 29. [private person] (his daughter) 30. Dennis Bartholomew (her husband) 31. [private person] (his mother) 32. Marjorie Martell (her mother) 33. George Martell (her father) 34. Juliet Valiquett (his mother) 35. Isadore Valiquette (her father) 36. Noel Joseph Valiquette (his father) 37. Noel Velliquette (his brother) 38. Victoria Miron (his wife) 39. Catherine Valiquette (her daughter) 40. Isiah Cousino (her husband) 41. Malinda Cousino (his sister) 42. Ernest Clukey (her husband) 43. Mary Cluckey (his sister) 44. Richard Dusseau (her son) 45. Richard Dusseau (his son) 46. Barbara Johnson (his wife) 47. Alice Monroe (her mother) 48. Mary Monroe (her sister) 49. Anna Hall (her daughter) 50. LaVera Daily (her daughter) 51. Carolyn Groomer (her daughter) 52. Karen Lowe (her daughter)

+5 votes
53 degrees, via a tree branch not previously connected to other notables. Also one of the most recent branches I've worked on - incentive to add more profiles to this tree "Twig".  Thank you, for this delightful connection :D
by Patricia Roche G2G6 Pilot (951k points)
+5 votes

As luck would have it, my connection is "only" 47 steps. Like most everyone else, my connection path includes Larry Munson. Between Larry and me, the path passes through several generations of Larry's ancestors in Norway, then comes to North America via an immigrant, then links to a New Netherland descendant family, from which its a clear path to me. I like seeing all those Norwegian names. Also, unlike most of my connection paths, this 47-step connection path does not depend on any super-early ancestors -- the earliest birthdate is 1729.

Does anyone have a connection that bypasses Larry Munson -- for example, by connecting directly to the family of Kitty's mother,

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+5 votes
46 steps. Larry Munson is #22. I was really surprised,
by Henry Chadwick G2G6 Mach 5 (59.3k points)
+4 votes
Wow! Karen Tobo knocked 8 steps off my connection path by finding a connection through the Phillips family. Nice work, Karen!
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Yes, the connection through the Phillips family shortens my path a lot (from 71 to 59 steps) as well. Well done!
+4 votes

Anne Frank is 49 Degrees from Michael Malone. 

by Michael Malone G2G1 (1.3k points)
+4 votes

Anne Frank is 49 Degrees from Michael Malone.. Anthony Malone married Rose Gore and the rest is history. 


by Michael Malone G2G1 (1.3k points)

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