When are the club 500 badges going to be awarded?

+10 votes
I see that there has been a lot of interest in this topic in the past.  Nothing has been done so I am raising the issue again.  Obviously most people want to have a Club 500 badge, so why not take action and do it?
in Policy and Style by Athol Henry G2G6 (9.7k points)

There exists a book called "Man the Manipulator" which is help-book for problematic teenagers which explains the psychology behind the meaning of questions.  This is a textbook example.  :D  It's not really a question.  It's a statement.  Your statement is something like you would like a 500 badge which doesn't exist.  Likely you've seen a couple of questions in past G2Gs asking about a 500 badge as opposed to "Obviously most people want to have a Club 500 badge".  Good try!  :D

4 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

In previous discussions about this subject, it has been mentioned that there is a lot of work involved in giving the badges, so that seems to answer your question "why not... ?"

My personal opinion is that the whole badge system should be abandoned. We are not teenagers looking for recognition. Also it does not make any sense to count “activities”. It is one activity to add a comma in a biography or to correct a typo, and it is also one activity to write an entire biography with numerous sources. So people that are awarded the club 100 badge can easily have made greater cotributions than a person receiving a club 1000 badge.

by Torben Friberg Sørensen G2G6 Mach 1 (14.8k points)
selected by Athol Henry
Well said Torben :)
Reminds me of the television program, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" (where everything's made up and the points don't matter)

The Badges are slightly important, where they recognize members for positive behavior or denote someone's position, but there's lots of other ways to do the same thing if we chose to abandon a badging recognition mechanism.
What a great answer, you have hit the nail on the head and believe it or not I support your view totally. There are several other related issues I am trying to find out about by asking provocative questions, as that seems to be the only way of drawing a response.  I have been told that I am not provocative enough!  I am finding it very difficult to pin down the actual process of decision & policy making on WickiTree, who controls it, what model is being used and is it democratic or autocratic.  Are surveys conducted for members to vote on?
+9 votes
I feel it's reasonable. It wouldn't hurt that's for sure.
by J Murray G2G6 Mach 3 (38.6k points)
+8 votes
I feel it would get more people involved trying to get a higher badge.
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (763k points)
+9 votes

Hi guys, 

This has been brought up quite a bit but the main problem is that our badge system isn't meant to have thousands of badges. Adding hundreds of more badges would weigh down the system.

Probably the only way it could happen is if we lowered the Club 1,000 to Club 500. And that doesn't seem to make sense now, after years of having the Club 1,000 badge.

by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
But all the people who would qualify for a 500 will get a 100.  The number of badges awarded would be exactly the same.
But the opposite might be true instead.  Those who work hard to get a club 1000 badge might decide that 500 was good enough and not work as hard to get 1000.
I appreciate your point Eowyn.  How ever if a person got a 500 then they would not get a 100.  How does this relate to an increase in badges?  Have I missed something.
Dave the reverse could happen.  A person doing 500, taking their time, avoiding mistakes, is a lot better than rushing to get 1000 done in a month, ending up with a raft of mistakes which have to be sorted out often by others.

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