Where is the "legend" for all the symbols shown on wikitree?

+5 votes
Why is there no LINK to a list of the various legends listed in wikitree ... seems it should be right there on the first HELP page. What am I missing?
in WikiTree Tech by Robert Ricketts G2G1 (1.2k points)
What symbols are you talking about? please give an example, thanks
Not sure how to show an image here.
Got a URL where you're seeing them?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (595k points)
I don't see anything about symbols/icons whatever you want to call them. Maybe I should say "Reference Symbols". They're all over WIKITREE, on various lists, etc. sometimes four or five in a row. A tool tip would help.
Ooo.. Did you try just "hovering" your cursor over whatever it is?
I still don't see an answer to your question from anyone. I also want to know what symbols like this mean  *  ~  +  the double one like this which has one on top of the other  ~  etc. There are many more that one finds in references to peope but I don't find a list of symbols to explain them. Forgive me, I'm new to this!

Paul, you're not going to find those on Wikitree, because they may not be Wikitree specific. For instance * can mean see footnote in non-wikitree. Or it could be being used as a bullet list on Wikitree (See Asterix). Sometimes in genealogy the plus sign + is used to mean look for more information on this person (usually below or in the following pages) or sometimes I use it in simple math equations. The tilde ~ is used for lots of things. On wikitree ~~~~ (four of them) will leave Your ID and the date and time, like a signature. Sometimes in old wills the ~ used over a word means some of the letters in the word are left out, a kind of 1600s short hand. I've never seen the two ~ on top of each other and wouldn't know how to create it. When you're stumped, ask, but make sure you let us know where you see it. What profile is it on? So we can see the context.

I think the ones Robert was speaking of are things like this edit ancestors If you find them on wikitree, hover over with your cursor and it tells you what it is.

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