Why does it take multiple attempts to save a profile?

+7 votes
I have been attempting to update profiles.  When I select "Save Changes" the dialogue in the address bar states, "Waiting for WikiTree..."  The connection times out.  When I return, the changes have not been saved.  I switch browsers.  Same result.  I switch access points.  Same result.  It is quite frustrating and not conducive to a "polite" experience.

Spending 10 minutes inputting data and two hours attempting to save it can be very discouraging.
in WikiTree Tech by John Cheney G2G1 (1.1k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Hi John. I doubt very much that this is anything to do with WikiTree. I have been active all day on WikiTree saving changes to profiles and creating profiles with no problems at all.

I would suggest that possibly this has more to do with your ISP or computer.

I do hope that the problem resolves itself as I , indeed we at WikiTree, would be very sorry if your early experiences are marred by something that I am sure is not the fault of the site.

I know it is the "ultimate helpdesk solution" but can I suggest you shut down and re-boot before continuing?

Edited for typos
by David Loring G2G6 Pilot (142k points)
selected by David Loring
I have recently been through a couple of weeks with a slow and jerky internet connection, due to a faulty media box. They finally replaced it and evertything works fine, now. I have also been working the Tree and saving without problems today.

What I might add, as information, is that WikiTree was among the sites most sensitive to my bad connection. It was even slower than Flickr, with all its images. Very frustrating, many attempts to get pages to load - and yet I continued ;-)

Wishing John luck with his troubleshooting!
Hi David!

Thank you for your comments.  Based on those I did a reassessment of my system and disabled my VPN.  I've since made entries in two profiles and saved with no difficulties.
So glad you have managed to resolve the problem!
Surely I should not be able to select my own answer as best answer. I clicked on it tongue in cheek and was very surprised it worked.
That's ok, it is the BEST ANSWER!! What you suggested worked!!
+1 vote
When you create a new ancestor the form to do so opens up in a new tab. I've noticed that if you change anything in the previous tab (eg add a source and save it) before saving the new ancestor, it creates an edit conflict and won't save the new ancestor.
by Gillian Causier G2G6 Pilot (304k points)

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