How do I merge with WikiTree?

+8 votes
in WikiTree Tech by Fran Gunnels G2G Crew (400 points)
Thank you.... I will enter each relative individually.....this should take me months. The easy way is not always the best way.
Besides Fran, you will find new collections, new sources, unintentional errors, typos, etc when you do this. Once again, been there, done that and have the t-shirt to prove it.
Good for you Fran :) I too from personal experience have learned gedcoms are the worst way to go ~ still cleaning up the mess :o

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
The quick and dirty way is to download a GEDCOM from Ancestry and upload it here. This will result in a LOT of work for you checking for duplicates, removing all the GEDCOM extraneous data, verifying that the profiles in the GEDCOM have good dates, etc.

The slower way is to download the GEDCOM from Ancestry, then split it into small pieces offline using an app designed to do this and then uploading a small piece to WikiTree. You still have to so the clean-up but it is a lot more manageable.

The best, most accurate way is to build your tree here one person at a time, checking to see if that person is already here, and adding sources to all your facts.

I've been there and done that with a small GEDCOM and it's a lot of extra work.
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (271k points)
selected by Star Kline
+4 votes
Rosemary has given you great advice. Gedcom can go horribly wrong.  I have just spent 2 hours cleaning up a Gedcom miss adventure from an inactive member and still have more work to do on it. My choice, when I started, was to enter one person at a time. I can use Gedcom, but chose not to after reading what others had to say.
by Athol Henry G2G6 (9.7k points)

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