Still trying to untangle Joseph Tesseneer b. 1843 & Isaac Tesseneer b.1843 Rutherford co,NC

+3 votes
I am trying to clear up some confusing info on my husbands great great grandfather Joseph Tesseneer b. abt 1843. Somehow he & Isaac Tesseneer are showing up as the same person. I have found several records that prove that they are different people. However,I cant find any record of who Josephs parents are. In most records they are listed as William Thomas Tesseneer & Rhoda Greene. I cant find Joseph on any census records for the family & I have checked all the children on the census records & found that none of them are Joseph under another name. There are also family stories about Isaac & his wife being rejected by the family after their marriage because one of them was part Native American. Some very confusing information Im finding. Any help would be appreciated!
in Genealogy Help by R. Howard G2G5 (5.5k points)
retagged by R. Howard

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Isaac and Adeline were my 2nd great grandparents. I've run into all the same problems you've had in sorting out these records. I also heard the same family legend about the falling out with family but, it was (wrongly?) attributed to my great grandparents, Alexander S Porter and Martha Ellen Tesseneer (d/o Isaac and Adeline). I always heard she was a "full blooded Cherokee" and they were disowned by both families so they eloped to Buncombe County to marry. Their first couple children were supposed to have been born there before they reconciled with their families and moved back to Spartanburg. I honestly believe that the story was "confused" as it was handed down through the generations  It should have been attributed to Isaac and Adeline and I suspect Adeline might have been of melungeon descent instead of Cherokee. They were married in Greene County, TN, which is known to have a large melungeon community and her maiden name, Weaver, was a common melungeon surname . This is PURE SPECULATION on my part but, even though she's recorded as white on all documents that I can find,it would explain a lot. Itsstill doesn't explain how they came to meet in the first place unless it was due to the war, reconstruction era or some connections between family/friends  Also, I suspect Amanda Tesseneer could have been Isaac's younger sister, sister-in-law or maybe a cousin.
selected by R. Howard
I have seen that information about Isaac and Adeline. Please contact me to share info.
I'm Lisa Simpson Myers,, on Facebook. Send me a friend request and private message with your contact info. I look forward to collaborating with you on this puzzle!

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