Amsterdam City Archive: URL change

+20 votes

The URL of the available indexes has changed from


The resource pages Netherlands Archives and Nederlandse Archieven have been updated to reflect this change.

Source citations using the old URL don't work anymore (see Bea's answer below). I sent the people at Stadsarchief an e-mail complaining and asked for a automatic "redirect" of old to new URL.

This story once again shows one should not just use an URL to an index record as source citation, but also the text of that index record, like is done in the profile mentioned below

WikiTree profile: Johannes Blomhoff
in The Tree House by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (306k points)
edited by Living Terink

I'm aware of the tildes. Only it doesn't function within a reference. And many times we also include whole sources fully cited within references. [Edit: and with profiles with many contribuants it is unsightly and disruptive to the reading of texts if the who added what when part is not in the footnote section of the biography].

Ok I have seen that bug

I miss that not more people use ~~~~for adding comments....


I only pay for images at Stadsarchief if they can not be found on Familysearch. In this case the image is available on Familysearch:

"Netherlands, Noord-Holland Province, Church Records, 1523-1948," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 August 2014), Nederlands Hervormde > Amsterdam > Dopen 1644-1677 > image 267 of 294; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).


indeed so do I, but in this case I had an rough idea and had to collate a few name versions and that is not easy when doing it via Family Search (one big reason is that either they are not indexed and I have to "grasduin" through endless pages, or if they are indexed the transcriptions are more often than not untrustworthy). Also I did not have time - it was late and I had enough information to determine this progenitor's LNAB and have the profile PPP'd under the protective Project Profile as custodial manager, my quotum for the day had reached it's limit and I could send a list to Bea for protection. Now that I have the exact data from the Dutch Archives, of course it is much easier to use FS if only for the free image. Thanks for the link!


 I have to "grasduin" through endless pages

What I meant is that after I searched and found an indez record at Stadsarchief, I go to familysearch for the associated image, through Here is the howto for zoekakten.

Searching using this method one does not have to "grasduin" through endless pages. Having found the film that should contain the image it does not take looking at more than 12 images to find the image. That is when using pure binary search. Smart guessing the location can even speed up the search more.


That's how I understood it Jan. This is why I used this method first before going to FS. As a librarian and information professional I'm well versed in how to search with the most efficacy. Every source has it's own "quirks" and getting to know them is winning half of the battle for efficiency. I added your FS image to her profile, and also acknowledged you. Thanks!


From your  "grasduin" through endless pages I gathered you searched via the FS indexes to the films instead of via zoekakten. As said zoekakten provides fast access to the image.

One thought when you do screen dumps of a source I assume you upload it and mark it as a source ==> then we have an indication that this profile is sourced, we have a date and a location....

I think this is an excellent Best practice and it also open up to define new reports indicating what profiles in a family tree 

  1. lacks a uploaded source document.....
  2. a report of how many sources used on a profile
  3. a report of number of sources and the time span and geographic distribution

I see this as an candidate to Project database Error that could help us track profiles with periods not well sourced....


I only put links to source documents in profiles. Uploading source documents could raise copyright issues. Almost 100% of the official source documents (births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, burials)for the Netherlands are available in Familysearch, so I put their citation in the profile.

In general I put a three-part citation in profiles for the BMD events:

A. Link to index record of archive organisation

B. Text of the index record, formatted as a wikitable

C. Link to image (usually FS citation) of the source document

See Johannes Blomhoff for the way I do it.

P.S. I use a not very sophisticated Bash (Linux) script that does most of the formatting.


Ok in Sweden its ok to use pictures from Church Books from the two biggest vendors SVAR and Arkiv Digital if you state that the pictures are from them  ==> 

Example this is Munktorp AI:18c (1887-1896) Image 122 / page 464 (AID: v73278.b122.s464, NAD: SE/ULA/11082) uploaded as /photo/png/Hurtig-43

I try to 

  1. add pictures of the churchbooks see
  2. mark it as a source
  3. use in the Title the unique id of the record 

==> we get some structured data of sources used and could understand if a profile is sourced ...... could maybe do a search inside WikiTree if other profiles are from the same church book = use the same AID v73278 (first part of ID) ==> could find other people inside WikiTree using sources from the same church book etc....

I hope WikiTree move in direction more structured data as then we could do much more.... 

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer
Ok thanks Jan, and..does this mean all links we used are no longer working ??
by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
selected by Living Old

Yes Bea, it means lots of non working source citations:

Deze site is niet bereikbaar heeft de verbinding geweigerd.

Thx, I overlooked that effect....

I extende the question with this new info.

Already was afraid of that, and that's why I now always add all info from the transcript as well, no matter what archive it's from. It looks like maybe they do this on purpose ??

First the site was named Amsterdam archief or something...than they changed it into Stadsarchief Amsterdam and now all of a sudden and without warning (?) so totally unexpected it's changed again and now it's ...pffff so not funny :/
Yes, If the Stadsarchief people don't offer an automatic "redirect", and I expect they won't, I can make it a personal miniproject fixing it

Googling gives about 240 results...

Ok that at least doesn't sound as bad as I expected , or maybe we could just leave the links out, if we have added and cited the other info from it I guess maybe that's fine as well ? 

If next year they maybe are going to change the url again, we will have to look for and replace them all over again, or maybe...I don't know if the wayback machine can help or prevent this problem in the future ? 

The wayback machine is no option, entering an old URL results in:

Page cannot be displayed due to robots.txt.​

I think you need to have a new link and try if it can be saved/captured there, than it will create a link of it's own to the captured/saved page that can be used and will work no matter how often a link to the original page is changed .Or something like that.

But I think even than it will not work because the hovering part probably won't work ? (so the info box we now copy, that only is shown hovering above the name)
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