Father of Absalom Hooper born est. 1757 around S.C N.C or Georgia area his dad could have died around 1770's HELP !!

+5 votes
in Genealogy Help by Donnie Blackstone G2G6 Pilot (296k points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Do one or some of these look like the right Absalom Hooper? These are thought to be the only strong matches at familysearch.org . Do you have any additional facts to help sleuth out and answer about his father?

Absalom Hooper
United States War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
military service:    from 1812 to 1815    United States            

Absalom Hooper
Tennessee State Marriage Index, 1780-2002
marriage:    1 February 1812    Davidson, Tennessee, United States    
spouse:    Kitty Lucas        

Absalom Hooper
United States Census, 1840
residence:    1840    Bradley, Tennessee, United States            

Absalom Hooper
United States Census, 1840
residence:    1840    Albion, Oswego, New York, United States            

Absalom Hooper
United States Census, 1840
residence:    1840    Union, Georgia, United States            

Absalom H Hooper
United States Census, 1830
residence:    1830    Wayne, Tennessee, United States            

Absalem Hooper
United States Census, 1840
residence:    1840    Haywood, North Carolina, United States            

Absolum Hooper
United States Census, 1820
residence:    1820    Haywood, North Carolina, United States            

Absolem Hooper
North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979
probate:    1849    Haywood County, North Carolina, United States            

Ebsolom Hooper
Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950
marriage:    1 July 1812    Davidson, Tennessee    
spouse:    Kitty Lucas
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
It's hard to tell I need to look them over , he was in the Revolutionary War and married at Pistol Creek G.A records show he had my line which is William Hooper 1807 1893 William was in his will along with Williams wife Nancy Bryson,  he had a brother named Clemmons Hooper and about 11 Children at least. THANKS.
I would say the one living in Haywood County, N.C has to be the right one at the time of 1820/1840 , Do you have anything else on this one I would like everthing I could get, Thanks he was born around 1757-1845 keep this in mind.
You ask about his father, family says his dad was killed or died and he joined the War at age 12 or 14 and his mother may have been last name Clemmons and she was from Pendleton District, S.C or maybe Georgia this is not to far away from each other. I have had one person tell me that a Hooper was hung in N.C that could be the father he took a horse they said, Thanks
Which Absalom Hooper Revolutionary War Soldier is the son of William Hooper Signer of The Declaration of Independence for N.C,  ? I would like to see proof that William Hooper was the father to Absalom Hooper and how many more sibling's was they of Absalom Hooper Revolutionary War Soldier,  Thanks
+3 votes

Absalem Hooper

United States Census, 1840

Name Absalem Hooper
Event Type Census
Event Date 1840
Event Place Haywood, North Carolina, United States
Page 111


"United States Census, 1840," database with images, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHTV-SHZ : 24 August 2015), Absalem Hooper, Haywood, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 111, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 362; FHL microfilm 18,094.

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)


Absolum Hooper

United States Census, 1820

Name Absolum Hooper
Event Type Census
Event Date 1820
Event Place Haywood, North Carolina, United States
Page 221


"United States Census, 1820", database with images, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHGS-9GC : 16 July 2015), Absolum Hooper, 1820.


Absolem Hooper

North Carolina Estate Files

Name Absolem Hooper
Also Known As Name Absolem Hooper
Event Type Probate
Event Year 1849
Event Place Haywood County, North Carolina, United States
Number of Names with File 1
File Name Absolem Hooper
First Image Number 01535
Last Image Number 01538
Number of Images 4


"North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979," database with images, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKBP-TCF9 : 20 November 2015), Absolem Hooper, 1849; citing Haywood County, North Carolina, United States, State Archives, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 2,315,031.

+3 votes
Your good follow up on more information helped. Here's a Pedigree Resource File showing Absalom's father and mother. It also shows his paternal grandfather and grandmother. Lastly, it shows his paternal great grandfather and great grandmother.

This type of submission is not rechecked for accuracy, so you may want to verify whether it is correct.

by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
How confident do you feel with this information on Absalom Hooper's Parents,  Grandparent's and Great Grandparents,  I have been talking to the Hooper family and they act like they have no idea, Absalom Hooper Revolutionary War Soldier is my 5th Great Grandfather,  I have been to his resting spot in East Laport Cemetery, Jackson County, N.C the marker says 1757-1845 but they meaning all the information I have found says they don't know that date is correct on his stone. It isn't the original one any way. The People at the Society Library in Sylvia,  Jackson County, N.C even said they thought he was this Thomas Hooper1742-1790 but you know Thomas Hooper that signed the Declaration of Independence this is also his years of life. puzzling information for sure, Thanks for this information

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