PGM and Magna Carta Correct LNAB: Dearbaugh or Derehaugh?

+9 votes

I am beginning to review Anne (Dearbaugh/Derehaugh) Stratton under the Magna Carta project and ran into a slight roadblock with her LNAB. Douglas Richardson has her LNAB as Derehaugh, but since this profile was PPP under the PGM project, I wanted to check to see if their primary source has Dearbaugh. To prevent redirects, I don't see any reason to change it if one source has it as Dearbaugh vs Derehaugh--my main concern would be if they all have it listed as Derehaugh. Any information would be helpful, thanks!
WikiTree profile: Anne Stratton
in Genealogy Help by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill

It it helps any - I have the same issue with Dearlove. Though still to be properly sourced in the far future, I have Dearlove from current times until 1448 in Yorkshire, England (see His father's LNAB though was Derluff and his father had Dernelove while around 1775 the name was noted as Derneluue - I think it had something to do with the linguistic and cultural legacy resulting from the Norman invasion in 1066 ...

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Anderson (GMB, pp 1782-1785) uses the Dearhaugh spelling, citing Letchford 336, 354 (but I think that this citation is relevant not to the spelling of her maiden name but to other information found in the same paragraph).

At the end of Anderson's profile of Ann's son John, he mentions a 1908 Stratton genealogy, which is available via google books etc.  This also uses the Dearhaugh spelling, but while this particular book cites many sources (indirectly), it does not appear to explain the identity of Ann's maiden name.

Do you know what Richardson bases his spelling on?

I'm fine either way.

by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (945k points)
selected by Jayme Arrington
Thanks for your response Jillaine! I am finding the same information. Her last name in certain sources is cited as Dearhaugh and in others as Derehaugh, but never, that I can find, as Dearbaugh. I'm trying to figure out how the spelling with 'b' became so prevalent on her profile, but it seems like, regardless, the 'h' is the correct spelling.

Since Anderson has "Dearhaugh", do you recommend changing the lnab?
Since we've already got two profiles, I'd recommend just going with the Richardson spelling (Derehaugh) and adding Dearhaugh as an other spelling.

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