Thanks Bob
If we check that gedcom upload it was 795 individuals and 136 sources and earliest person born 1660
A fast look at the GEDCOM file I feel that the Ancestry export of data is the problem it is not much in the file....
My quick analysis...
If we check the raw file and Amalia we have
0 @I393@ INDI her unique number in file
1 _UID 33656EC8937A4D4BB8367FC7A0E5A2DCAA74
1 NAME Amalia Louise Hedvig /CRONSIOE/
2 SOUR @S2@ using source S2
2 DATE 23 JAN 1831
2 PLAC Malmö Garnisonsfsg, Malmö, Malmöhus län
2 SOUR @S488@ using source S488
2 DATE 1 JAN 1910
2 PLAC Malmö (M)
1 FAMS @F61@
If we check the sources S2 and S488
0 @S2@ SOUR
1 TITL GF documents
1 AUTH Genealogiska Föreningen, Riksförening för Släkstsforskning
0 @S488@ SOUR
1 TEXT S-686485590
And this is what the GEDCOM import created...
The WikiTree profile Cronsioe-1
So if we should import more Sources I think the problem is that the EXPORT need to export all sources in the GEDCOM....
A guess is that GEDCOM is not high prio for Ancestry... I have the client FTM and a subscription and I am not impressed how fast new functions are delivered for Ancestry..... they have last year sold the FTM client to a foreign company so what will happen in the future is difficult to say....
My conclusion from this one sample If we have problems that GEDCOM export is weak then its another argument not using GEDCOM import...
EDIT Bob when I check Ancestry I assume this is Amalia
Then we just also have 2 sources at Ancestry..... if you have another exampel please let me know....