Have you seen the report of Peter Charles Murphy's death on 20th Jan 1858 ?
regret that I announce the sudden death of Mr. Peter
Charles Murphy, the Chief Constable, who had been
attached to the police of the district for upwards of
twenty years. Mr. Murphy left Port Macquarie on the
31st December, to collect particulars of live stock and
battle, to complete certain returns. He complained
before leaving, to his wife, of indisposition and a
pain in his head; the weather was intensely
warm on that day, and shortly after he had left it
came on to rain heavily. It appears that the deceased
reached Yarrow in a very exhausted state; that he
was accommodated with a bed by a man named Patrick
Donohoe; that after he bad been in bed some short
time be became considerably worse, and died on Sunday,
evidently in great suffering. Donohoe left for Port
Fix this textMacquarie, where he arrived about six o'clock on Mon-
day morning, the 4th instant, when the foregoing details
were made known to Mrs. Murphy by the Rev. Mr.
O'Reilly. The deceased has left a widow (as stated) and
two daughters, aged respectively 17 and 15 years. Great
commiseration is felt for Mrs. Murphy and her
daughters, who are much and deservedly respected.
You can see the original article in the newspaper. It's a good primary document.