Great ... I haven't gotten het mother's maiden name but am very happy to have this person I admire so much also added to the LGBT community on WikItree ... I mean we are (in or outside of the closet) appr. %10 of the world community and the person next to me on the alfabetical list is Oscar Wilde ...!?!
Thank you for this comment, Philip. You have inspired me to create this profile.
Just noticed that Elton John himself is not in the LGBT category. Message has been posted on the profile.
Thanks, Karen. I will see what I can find on Audrey Beebe Lang
Wow ! Her Dad's ( and K.D.' s GrandDad ) profile is already on WikiTree (-: Asking to be added to trusted list so I can add this family history (-:
Karen Tobo found Canada's k.d.lang's mother's maiden name which eventully lead me to a Beebe family history already on WikiTree.
Hurray !